Alternating EMOM x 8 Rounds
Min A: Max Distance Run
Min B: Max Walking Lunges
Min C: Rest
*Weight Vest Optional
General Warm Up
3-5min of easy cardio to get warm, followed by…
5 Split Squats Right*
5 Split Squats Left*
3 x Inchworm Complex**
5-10 Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups
:30 of Pose Pulls (or Jumping Jacks)
*This is basically lunge-prep, so they should be bodyweight only. However, as you warm your way through the 3 rounds, if you want to add some light weights, go for it!
**1x Inchworm Complex = Bend over and place hands on the floor, walk your hands out to plank, do 4 Plank Shoulder Taps, do 1 Push Up, then walk your hands back to your feet and stand up.
Specific Warm Up
Get into that gooooood Hinshaw Warm Up!
10-20 steps/yards of each movement:
Over the Hurdle Sideways
Over the Hurdle Forwards
Knee to Chest
Figure 4
Lunge and Reach
Lunge and Twist
Tin Soldier
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Bounce
Side Shuffles (with and without arms)
Workout of the Day
Alternating EMOM x 8 Rounds
Min A: Max Distance Run
Min B: Max Walking Lunges
Min C: Rest
*Weight Vest Optional
Workout Notes
This workout is simple, but if you give it some serious intensity, it will have a bite to it! The format of this workout is such that you will need some kind of clock, stop watch, or timer. When you hit GO, you will be in Minute A. That means you will run as far as you can in one minute. As soon as that minute is up, you’ll be in Minute B. That means you will stop running and do as many lunges as you can in one minute. When that minute is up, you’ll be in Minute C, which means you will rest for one minute. That’s one round. Repeat 7 more times for a total of 8 rounds.
Run Modifications
This is a great workout for running if you are not normally a runner, since there is no set speed or distance that you have to work into. You can just do your best within the minute, walking when necessary, and go at your own pace!
If you are not running, you can replace the running with any cardio implement that suits your needs! This can be rowing, biking, elliptical, stair climbing, jumping rope, or whatever your bod likes!
Walking Lunge Modifications
The Walking Lunge video contains lots of modifications, so hopefully we can all find something there. If the lunge is too dynamic for you, try the basic Split Squat instead, doing :30 on one leg and :30 on the other. If single leg work is not in your wheelhouse, you can do the same thing with any Air Squat variation.
Optional Accessory Work
Take 5-10min to try to accumulate 25-75 Hand Release Push Ups. Everytime you break a set of push ups, immediately do a set of 10 Bicep Curls (on each arm.) Pump!
Cool Down
1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4