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Workout 136 - "Holleyman"



5 Wall Balls

3 Handstand Push Ups

1 Heavy Power Clean

General Warm Up

3-5min of easy cardio to get nice and warm, followed by a quick….


5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans - R

5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans - L

Specific Warm Up

This workout is going to be LONG, so let’s keep it simple. First, check out the Workout Notes and Modifications to decide on your variations of each move, then get them each warmed up and ready to go. Easy!

Workout of the Day



Workout Notes

Yep. You read that right. THIRTY ROUNDS. This is a hero workout in dedication to US. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, so we can expect some serious toughness!

The first thing to look at in this workout is the overall volume of the movements. If doing 150 Wall Balls (or Thrusters or Squats) is not a good idea for you, then you should immediately look to bring the volume down by dropping down the rounds or the reps or both!

The other way that I would recommend to modify the workload of this workout is to turn it into a Time Priority workout instead of a Task Priority Workout. That means you could set a timer for 30min (or 20min or 15min) and just do as many rounds as you can. This is a great way to get in a great workout at your own personal speed!

The final thing to address is this “Heavy Power Clean” situation. This workout, in it’s fullest expression would be done with Power Cleans ranging from 155lbs all the way up to 225lbs. This is a very hard thing to mimic if you only have dumbbells at home! For that reason, the dumbbell version will instead be 5 Power Cleans. Again, this is 150 reps total, so feel free to bring that down a little, if it’s right for you!

Wall Ball Modifications

This workout should be done with a weight that is not heavy for you. A weight with which you could definitely do 20-30 wall balls in a row.Then you only have to do 5! If you don’t have a wall ball situation at home, do 5 Empty Bar Thrusters instead. If you don’t have a barbell, you can do either single or double dumbbell thrusters, but make sure the total weight of the dumbbell(s) does not exceed 50lbs. If you are doing single dumbbell thrusters, alternate hands each round. If thrusters aren’t happening for you today, go with Jump Squats or Air Squats.

Handstand Push Up Modifications

If you don’t have Handstand Push Ups, go with a Push Press with either barbell or dumbbells. For this, try to use a weight at which you could do a set of 10-20, then you only do 3 at a time. If you have no weights available to you, go with push ups!

Power Clean Modifications

As discussed above, if you are doing Power Cleans with Dumbbells, go with 5 reps instead of 1. If you are doing it with a barbell, this clean should be heavy! Think 75-80% of your best clean, or something you could only do 1-3 reps with.

If you are unable to do any of the Power Clean variations in the video, you can sub in a heavy Deadlift, or 5 Kettlebell Swings as heavy as possible.

Optional Accessory Work


Cool Down

Alllll the Legs Up The Wall

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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