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Workout 139 - C&J, Lunge, Double Under


10 Hang Power Clean and Jerk

20 Lunges

30 Double Unders

General Warm Up

Start with the Joint Rotation Warm Up, then get in 3-5min of Cardio to get nice and warm, followed by...


6 Reverse Lunges (3 per leg)

5-10 Light Bent Over Rows

5-10 Light Strict Press

Specific Warm Up

First, decide on which version of the Hang Power Clean and Jerk you are going to do.This workout can be done with a barbell, a single DB/KB, or double DB’s/KB’s. Spend some time practicing the movement (remember that it is not from the ground!) and decide on which is right for you. After you figure that out, workup to a weight that will allow you to potentially do your first round of 10 Hang Clean and Jerks unbroken.

After that get your jump rope (or jump rope substitution) ready and you should be set!

Workout of the Day


20 Lunges

Workout Notes

This workout is 4 Rounds, FOR TIME, which means your goal should be to complete the 4 Rounds as quickly as you can. This is where the intensity comes in!

As I mentioned in the specific warm up, we should shoot for a weight for the Hang Power Clean and Jerks that you COULD do for 10 in a row without stopping, but it should be really hard. Then, strategically, maybe you don’t do that. Maybe you do! Up to you. But that’s the kind of weight we should be shooting to find.

The lunges are written to be done with no weight and a total of 20 reps, or 10 per leg. You can add weight if you’d like, but the workout is written as bodyweight only.

The Double Unders are meant to be quick! They should take no more than :30. If it’s going to take you 1min or more, make a different choice!

Hang Power Clean and Jerk Modifications

This move shouldn’t need to be modified for most people. The modifications should come in the amount of weight used. This workout could be done at a challenging weight with a loaded barbell for many folks and it could be challenging with just a broomstick for some folks! The weight is where you should make the choice that’s right for you!

Lunge Modifications

As mentioned in the notes, these should be done with bodyweight only, which means that lots of folks won’t have to modify. However, if you need to add assistance, check out the Lunge video for modification ideas. If your body is just not ready for single leg work, do Air Squats instead.

Double Under Modifications

If you are a solid double under-er, these will take you about :15-:30 per round. If you are a double under-er, but you’re inconsistent, give yourself 1min to do as many double unders as possible. If you aren’t a double under-er, go with 50 Single Unders or 25 Jumping Jacks.

Optional Accessory Work

Bodyweight Rows: 3 x 8-12 (or any pulling movement that works for you)

Bicep Curls: 3 x 8-12

Cool Down

1-2min of Gentle Forearm Stretches

1-2min of Calf Stretches

1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Leg

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