25 Wall Balls
25 Toes to Bar
100 Double Unders
General Warm Up
3-5min of easy cardio to get warm, then…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
5 Inchworms (no Push up)
1:00 of Freestyle Jump Rope
Specific Warm Up
First, get your Wall Balls (or wall ball substitutions) ready to go. Remember when warming these up that the priority is on the deep squat. If you are unable to coordinate a deep squat with a powerful stand up and toss, you should use less weight! Same goes for Thrusters, which will be the recommended substitution. Warm up to a weight that you think you can do unbroken in round one.
Then, look through the Toes To Bar video and decide which variation you want to choose today. If hanging isn’t in the cards for you, go with Sit Ups or V-Ups. Either way, practice a few sets before the workout starts up.
Lastly, heat up that jump rope! Go through the Jump Rope video and practice some singles, penguin taps, or doubles to get a good picture as to where you’re at for today.
Workout of the Day
25 Wall Balls
25 Toes To Bar
100 Double Unders
Workout Notes
Ooooooh this combo of movements looks spicy! Each movement here has the potential to make you VERY out of breath, so when combined, it could get tough very quickly!
For the wall balls, you should choose a variation or substitution that allows you to do 25 reps in a row, with perfect form, without stopping in Round 1.
For the toes to bar, choose a variation, modification, or rep count that allows you to complete the work in 3-5 sets at the most. Good Toes to Bar people should shoot to complete each set in 1 break or less.
The Double Unders should not take you more than 2:00 to complete each set. If it’s taking longer than that, choose a different variation or rep count that allows you to work for 1-2min at a blistering pace!
Wall Ball Modifications
If none of the versions in the wall ball video work for you, go with Thrusters. If you are using a single arm thruster variation, make sure you achieve a TOTAL of 25 reps and NOT 25 reps per arm. You can switch arms whenever you’d like, but your body should only go down into the squat and then jump up aggressively 25 times per round. That’s plenty! If you have no weights available to you, use Jump Squats or Air Squats!
Toes to Bar Modifications
If none of the variations in the Toes to Bar video work well for you, go with a ground variation like V-Ups, Sit Ups, or any crunching motion you like! If folding your body in half is not a good idea, try subbing in Front Planks or Around the World Planks for 1min, or do 25-30 Mountain Climbers!
Double Under Modifications
If 100 double unders takes you longer than 2min consistently, do as many double unders as you can in 2min. If you don’t have double unders, try doing 100 Double Penguin Taps. Be sure you hear 3 distinct taps - two for your hands hitting your thighs and one for your feet hitting the ground! Single Unders and Single Penguin Taps work as well. If you can’t jump, think about marching in place, pulling your knees as high as you can on each step, for 100 steps.
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 2-4min in Each Side Plank. Break it up however you need to!
Cool Down
1-2min in PVC T-Spine Stretch
1-2min in Saddle Pose
2 - ? min in the Bottom of the Squat Hold (feel free to hang out there for a long time if it’s opening things up!)