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Workout 158 - Partition as Desired: Run, Burpee, Squat

Partition as Desired…


2400m Run

90 Burpees

90 Air Squats

General Warm Up

3-5min of easy cardio to get nice and warm, followed by…


1:00 Easy Run or Jump Rope

Specific Warm Up

Hit that sweet, sweet Hinshaw Warm Up and then let’s GET AFTER IT!

10-20 steps/yards of each movement:

  • Over the Hurdle Sideways

  • Over the Hurdle Forwards

  • Knee to Chest

  • Figure 4

  • Lunge and Reach

  • Lunge and Twist

  • Tin Soldier

  • High Knees

  • Butt Kickers

  • Straight Leg Bounce

  • Side Shuffles (with and without arms)

Workout of the Day

Partition as Desired…


2400m Run

90 Burpees

90 Air Squats

Workout Notes

This is an odd one! “Partition as Desired” means that you can take the full workload and break it into chunks in whichever way you please. If you were doing the full workload, you could do…


800m Run

You could do…


400m Run

15 Burpees

15 Squats

You could do…

1200m Run


3 Rounds

30 Burpees

30 Squats


1200m Run

You get the picture. Break it up however you want!

Obviously, with numbers this high, my first suggestion is to bring the distance and the reps down to something manageable for YOU!

Run Modifications

2400m meters is 1.5 miles. That’s quite a bit for most! First modification is to bring that distance down. If you want to mimic the distance, but you run slowly, run/walk/jog as far as you can in 12 minutes! If you are looking to equate the 2400m to other implements:

  • 3000m of Rowing

  • 6000m of Concept 2 Bike Erg

  • 150 Calories of Air Bike

If you don’t have any of these options available to you, choose as many (or as few) cardio options that you like and mix and match them for a total of 12min! This could be running in place, Jump Rope, walking in place, walking stairs, Mountain Climbers, Bicycle Crunches, jumping jacks, or anything else that gets your heart rate up!

Burpee Modifications

The dreaded burpee. Many can do the burpees, but the number 90 is rough! Feel free to bring that number down to something that is more reasonable for your body! If you aren’t able to do the burpee (in any form) go with a Squat Thrust or squat thrust variation.

Air Squat Modifications

All variations of the air squat are in the video! Whether you are squatting in free space or squatting to your couch and standing back up, you are getting your squats in!

Optional Accessory Work

None! Stretch out and enjoy your weekend!

Cool Down

1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Leg

Legs Up The Wall as long as you please!

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