10 Power Snatches
10 Overhead Squats
10 Squat Thrusts Over the Bar
General Warm Up
Begin with the Full Joint Rotation Warmup. Get loose! After that, spend 3-5min getting nice and warm with some easy-moderate cardio of choice. Then…
Specific Warm Up
There are two high skill movements in today’s workout. The Power Snatch and the Overhead Squat. For both of these movements, you’ll need to decide whether you are doing barbell/PVC pipe OR dumbbell/kettlebell. See the modifications for each movement for more ideas! Once you pick your variations, work from a light weight up to your working weight of the day, doing sets of 3-5 on your way up.
Do at least 2 sets of 5 Squat Thrusts over the bar before the workout begins. These can be done laterally or “bar-facing.”
Workout of the Day
10 Squat Thrusts Over the Bar
Workout Notes
I love a classic triplet! This should be a relatively speedy endeavor, but shoulder fatigue will really dictate how quickly you can pick up that weight! If you are using a dumbbell or kettlebell for those snatches, do 10 PER ARM. Keep the squats as written at 10 total reps, regardless of your DB/KB situation. As mentioned in the specific warm up, the squat thrusts over the bar (or target) can be done laterally or bar facing. Whatever works best for you!
Power Snatch Modifications
This movement can be done with any element as long as the weight goes from the “ground” to overhead in one smooth motion without stopping. You’ll find barbell/PVC variations in the Barbell Power Snatch video, a dumbbell variation in the Dumbbell Snatch video, and the kettlebell versions are found in the Hang Power Snatch video. It’s worth noting that the kettlebell is the only version that should not come from the ground!
If you are having trouble taking any implement from the ground to overhead, use the Hang Power Snatch instead! If putting a weight over your head is a bad idea today, go with a Power Clean or Hang Power Clean instead of the snatch. If all of that is too complex for you, go for a standard Deadlift!
Overhead Squat Modifications
The overhead squat is a very difficult skill to have, whether you are using a loaded bar or just a broomstick! Only attempt this movement if you are able to complete the full range of motion with feet flat and you are PAIN FREE! This movement can be completed with a PVC Pipe, loaded bar, or single/double Dumbbells/Kettlebells.
If this movement is NOT your jam, go with a Barbell Front Squat or any of the Dumbbell Squat Variations. If you are not quite at the level to move weight, go with a standard Air Squat!
Squat Thrust Over Bar Modifications
The first and easiest modification here is to just do the regular squat thrust and not worry about hopping over a bar/DB/KB. The squat thrust is a movement that can be regressed down pretty far, so I’m hoping everyone can find a version that works for them. If you can’t, let me know and I’ll help you!
Optional Accessory Work
Bicep Curls: 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps
Chase the pump!
Cool Down
1-2min in Samson Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min of Saddle Pose
1-2min in Happy Baby