Coach’s Birthday Workout!
(Weight Vest optional)
Set a clock for 19 minutes
Buy In:
85 Walking Lunges
Run as far as possible in the time remaining.
But there’s a catch! While you are running:
Min A: 9 Push Ups
Min B: 9 Squats
At the 19 minute mark, stop where you are and do 36 burpees.
General Warm Up
Begin with the Full Joint Rotation Warmup, then get in your 3-5min of easy cardio. We got a tough one today, so make sure you are nice and warm. After that, continue with:
10 Slow Squats
5 Split Squats on Each Leg (No weight)
5 Single Leg Deadlifts on Each Leg (No weight)
Specific Warm Up
Get in the Hinshaw Warm Up!
10-20 steps/yards of each movement:
Over the Hurdle Sideways
Over the Hurdle Forwards
Knee to Chest
Figure 4
Lunge and Reach
Lunge and Twist
Tin Soldier
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Bounce
Side Shuffles (with and without arms)
Workout of the Day
Coach’s Birthday Workout!
(Weight Vest Optional)
Set a clock for 19 minutes
Buy In:
Run as far as possible in the time remaining.
But there’s a catch! While you are running:
Min A: 9 Push Ups
Min B: 9 Squats
At the 19 minute mark, stop where you are and do 36 Burpees.
Workout Notes
Ok we got a wild one today! This is my traditional birthday workout that I’ve been doing for a few years. It looks like it’s complex, but it’s actually pretty simple. Let’s break it down!
First, this is a 19 minute AMRAP that begins with 85 lunges. 19… 85… get it? That means that you will set a 19min timer and do As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in those 19 minutes.
When the clock begins, you’ll start with your 85 lunges (or whatever number you choose to use.) When you are done lunging, you just need to run as far as you can in the rest of the time remaining. So if it takes you 2 minutes to do your lunges, you’ll have 17 minutes left to run. Make sense?
Here’s the tricky part: once you are done with your lunges and you start running, you must stop every minute (at the top of each minute) and perform a task. The task will be either 9 push ups or 9 squats. Why 9 and 9? Because my birthday is 9/9! You alternate between the two movements until you hit the 19 minute mark. At 19 minutes, instead of doing one of the two tasks, you will stop and do 36 burpees wherever you are. Why 36? One for each year! Optional modification: You can do burpees to the age that you think I LOOK. : )
So if I lost you… here’s what it would look like all written out.
3...2...1… GO!
I start lunging… it takes me 2:15 to do the lunges. I start running.
When the clock hits 3:00, I stop and do 9 push ups and then I keep running.
When the clock hits 4:00, I stop and do 9 squats and then I keep running.
When the clock hits 5:00, I stop and do 9 push ups and then I keep running.
When the clock hits 6:00, I stop and do 9 squats and then I keep running.
I continue this process until the clock says 19:00. When that happens, I stop and do 36 burpees and then the workout is over.
Lunge Modifications
The first thing I would do is take the number of lunges down a bit! 85 is a LOT of lunges. I’d say these lunges should take 2-3minutes. Set a number that allows for that or just do 2-3min of lunges and don’t worry about counting! Any style of lunge will do, or you can do box Step Ups. If single leg work is not your jam, go with light Kettlebell Deadlifts!
Running Modifications
Because of the nature of this workout, you can use any cardio you’d like! All you have to do is have some kind of movement (or multiple movements) that you can do in between your EMOM movements. You can use Jumping Jacks, Jump Rope, Mountain Climbers, Power Walking, Marching in Place, Spin Bike, Rower, etc. Totally up to you! You just need something that gets YOU out of breath in between the EMOM movements.
Push Up Modifications
The problem with these push ups is that for many folks, 9 of them is either impossible, or will take the full minute! Modify to knee push ups and/or bring the number down to something that allows you to not only do push ups, but get back to the cardio! If you are doing a version of this workout in which you are staying in place, you can also swap in Strict Presses in place of the push ups.
Air Squat Modifications
This one should be good to go! Watch the Air Squat video and pick which version suits you best.
Burpee Modifications
This is a lot of burpees at the end of a long workout! Bring down the number of burpees to something you can do in 2-3min or change them to a Squat Thrust variation.
Cool Down
1-2min in Samson or Couch Stretch
1-2min in Happy Baby
1-2min of lying on your back and taking big, deep breaths. Victory breaths!