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Workout 164 - TTB and Pull Ups

10:00 AMRAP

2 Toes to Bar

2 Pull Ups

4 Toes to Bar

4 Pull Ups

6 Toes to Bar

6 Pull Ups


General Warm Up

3-5min of cardio. Nice and easy! Then…


5 Inchworms (No Push Up)

5 Strict Pull Ups or 5-10 Bodyweight Rows

50 Single Unders or 25 Jumping Jacks

Specific Warm Up

This workout contains two high skill gymnastics movements and each of them will need some technique time before the workout starts up. First, check out the Toes To Bar video, the V-Up video, and the Sit Up video and decide which ab movement is right for you. Once you have, do 3 sets of 5 reps to practice your technique.

Similarly, check out the Pull Up video and the Bodyweight Row video and decide which movement is right for you for this workout and do 3 sets of 5 reps to practice and get the movement feeling smooth and primed.

Workout of the Day

10:00 AMRAP

4 Toes to Bar

4 Pull Ups

6 Toes to Bar

6 Pull Ups


Workout Notes

This is a style of workout we haven’t done in a while! 10min AMRAP means that you will set a clock for 10 minutes and in that time, you’ll attempt to do As Many Reps As Possible. The workout starts with 2 toes to bar and then 2 pull ups. Once you complete those, you’ll move on to 4 toes to bar and then 4 pull ups. After that it’s 6 of each, 8 of each, etc. until the 10 minutes is up! Obviously, the larger the sets become, the harder they will be to complete, and the more breaks you’ll need to take.

Toes to Bar Modifications

If you can do any hanging variation from a pull up bar, go for it! That includes all of the options from the Toes To Bar video. If none of those work for you, go for a ground variation like V-Ups, Sit Ups, or any crunch variation that works for you and your bod!

Pull Up Modifications

This workout is designed to be done with Kipping Pull Ups. If you are going to do strict pull ups, cut the reps in half! Any variation of pull up found in the Pull Up Video would be great for this workout! However, if you have no way of doing Pull Up variations, Bodyweight Rows or Bent Over Rows will work just fine! Be sure that whichever version you choose, you set yourself up with a weight or body angle that allows for about 10 reps in a row and not much more.

Optional Accessory Work

4 x 1:00 in your toughest Plank variation

Cool Down

1-2 min in the Bottom of the Squat

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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