Alternating EMOM x 6 ROUNDS
A. 10 Bent Over Rows
B. 10 Sprinted Air Bike Calories
General Warm Up
Start with the usual 3-5min of easy cardio to get the body nice and warm. Then…
5 Slow Squats
5 Inchworms with a Push Up
5-10 Bodyweight Rows (Or Strict Pull Ups)
5-10 Strict Toes To Bar or Sit Ups
1:00 of Pose Pulls / Running in Place / Running
Specific Warm Up
First, work your way from some light Bent Over Rows up to a weight that will be challenging for a set of 10 reps.
Then, if you’ve got a cardio machine/running option available, go for about :30 at an easy pace + :30 rest. Go for :30 at a moderate pace + :30 rest. Then go for :30 at a very fast pace + :30 rest. Finally, go for a 10 second all out sprint!
Workout of the Day
Alternating EMOM x 6 ROUNDS
A. 10 Bent Over Rows
B. 10 Air Bike Calories
Workout Notes
This is what my hero Pat Sherwood would call a heavy day at a high heart rate! That means that the focus is on the bent over rows. We’re essentially doing a 6 x 10! That’s quite a bit of pulling. However, the bike (or whatever cardio substitution you go with) should keep your heart rate way up throughout the workout.
Be sure that your working weight for the bent over rows is a challenging set of 10. I would rather you use something heavy enough that you are forced to break your sets of 10 up in the later rounds than have you go too light. It’s a strength day!
If you are new to this type of programming, the acronym “EMOM” stands for Every Minute on the Minute. That means that you will do something each time the clock reaches the top of a new minute. This is an ALTERNATING EMOM, which means that you will ALTERNATE between the “A” movement and the “B” movement each time you reach the top of a new minute.
For example, when the clock starts (at 0:00) you’ll do 10 Bent Over Rows. Then, when the clock reads 1:00, you’ll do your 10 Bike Cals. Then when the clock reads 2:00, you’ll do 10 more Bent Over Rows. When the clock reads 3:00, you’ll do your 10 Bike Cals. This continues until you’ve done 6 Rounds, which will take 12 minutes.
Bent Over Row Modifications
This movement is pretty easy for everyone to be able to do. However, if you are looking for an alternative, Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups would be fantastic!
Bike Modifications
This will be the tricky thing to modify! First of all, I’m looking for the bike to be a :30 or less endeavor. If you have an air bike but don’t think you can push 10 Cals in :30, bring the calorie number down or just bike as hard as you can for :30. If you are looking for cardio equivalents, you can use:
200m Row
150m Run
400m Concept 2 Bike Erg
50 Double Unders
10 Burpees
If none of those options work for you, just do 30 seconds worth of the thing that gets you the most out of breath! That could be any cardio machine, walking up the stairs of your building, or doing high knees in your living room!
Optional Accessory Work
3-4 Rounds
:30 Side Plank - R
:30 Glute Bridge March
:30 Side Plank - L
1:30 REST
Cool Down
1-2min in Child’s Pose
1-2min in Happy Baby