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Workout 17 - Tabatas

Tabata: Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Double Unders

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

6 Spiderman Lunges (3 per leg)

Specific Warm Up

3 right arm hang power cleans

3 right arm push press

(Repeat sequence on left arm)

Workout (14min)

Rest 1:00

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk*

A Tabata is an interval workout where you’ll perform ONE movement as hard as you can for :20 and then you’ll rest for :10. This is repeated 7 more times for a total of 8 Rounds (4min.) If it helps, look at it this way:


:20 Work

:10 Rest

There are many free Tabata timers you can download and of course, there are the always polarizing Tabata Songs you can look up as well!

*Alternate arms on each interval. (:20 right arm, :10 rest, :20 left arm, :10 rest)

**modify to penguin taps or jumping jacks or any cardio movement that allows you to push really hard for 20 seconds!

Accessory Work

*If you did “Barbara” yesterday, there’s a strong chance that you are very, very sore today. If that’s you, I’d highly recommend skipping these accessories, stretching out, and calling it a short day today!

Posterior Chain Options:

Cool Down

Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each:

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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