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Workout 177 - Partition as Desired: Gymnastics

FOR TIME - Partition as Desired…

100 Push Ups

100 Bodyweight Rows

100 Toes to Bar

100 Pistol Squats (Total)

General Warm Up

Begin with 3-5min of light cardio, get nice and warm, then…


5 Inchworms with a Push Up

5 Light American Kettlebell Swings

5-10 Bent Over Rows on Each Arm

10 Feet Together Squats with a pause at the bottom

Specific Warm Up

Each of the 4 movements on the docket today will/may need modifying. Look through the notes and modifications to decide which movement is right for you. Once you have decided, be sure to get in 3 sets of 5 reps of each movement to warm up AND to test the waters and confirm that you are making the right choice.

Workout of the Day

FOR TIME - Partition As Desired…

100 Pistol Squats (Total)

Workout Notes

Oooooh an all-gymnasty workout? My favorite! This workout is FOR TIME, which means the goal is to get through the entire workload in as little time as possible. Your score is the amount of time it takes you to do the whole thing.

Normally, this type of workout would be done straight through. However, today we have a fun wrench in things, which is that little “Partition As Desired” note at the top. This means that you can break up your movements and re-order them however you choose to get through them fastest! For example, maybe you keep it simple and do 5 rounds of 20 Push Ups, 20 Bodyweight Rows, 20 Toes to Bar, and 20 Pistols Squats. Maybe you need to chunk the push ups into bite size pieces so you do something funky like:


5 Push Ups

20 Bodyweight Rows

5 Push Ups

20 Toes to Bar

5 Push Ups

10 Pistols Squats

5 Push Ups

10 Pistol Squats

You can be as creative as you’d like to be! The goal is to push the pace and dance with that muscular fatigue red line! Of course, all of these gymnastics movements are moderate to high level skills, so there will be plenty of movement modifying, but don’t forget that you can also change your rep counts to something more realistic for you! Feel free to bring down any numbers that you may need to bring down.

For all movements, choose a variation that allows you to get 10-20 reps in a row, unbroken, when you are fresh!

Push Up Modifications

The Push Up video covers most of what you’ll need for today. However, if you are looking for a different type of pressing movement, feel free to supplement Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Floor Press, or Dips. Just be aware that we are doing some heavy benching on Day 3!

Bodyweight Row Modifications

The Bodyweight Row is a movement that everyone should be capable of doing, however, everyone will set up at a very different angle! If you are looking for a different pulling movement, feel free to throw down a Bent Over Row variation, or if you are really devious, try this with Strict Pull Ups!

Toes to Bar Modifications

As per usual, I’d love for you to be able to use a modification that allows you to be hanging from a bar, if possible. All of those variations are found in the Toes to Bar video. However, many folks don’t have that option. In that case, any ground-based ab variation will do! Depending on how your back/body responds to ab stuff, you can do Sit Ups, V-Ups, Bicycle Crunches, Mountain Climbers, Front Planks, or Around the World Planks!

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 2-3min in each Side Plank in as few sets as possible.

Cool Down

1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Leg

1-2min of Forward Folds (on Each Leg if necessary)

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