Our 200th Workout!
For Time
25 Strict Pull Ups
25 Push Press
50 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches
50 Lunges
25 Push Press
25 Strict Pull Ups
General Warm Up
3-5min of the cardio of your choice, followed by…
5-10 Strict Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows
100 Freestyle Single Unders or 50 Jumping Jacks
Specific Warm Up
This workout is pretty simple, but it does have 4 different movements that will all need some attention before the workout begins. Go through each movement and work your way up to the weight/variation that you plan to use. Then, do a quick test round of:
3 Pull Ups
6 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches
6 Lunges
3 Pull Ups
Workout of the Day
Our 200th Workout!
For Time
25 Strict Pull Ups
25 Push Press
50 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches
50 Lunges
25 Push Press
25 Strict Pull Ups
Workout Notes
Happy 200th Workout! I can’t believe we’ve now written and published 200 workouts for Painted Porch! If you are reading this, thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of this amazing journey!
This workout SORT of looks like a workout called “The 300.” I discovered this workout back in 2011 when I heard that it was a benchmark workout *allegedly* used by the actors who were training to be in the movie “300.” At that point, I felt that those guys were the absolute epitome of fitness, so I tried that workout and got my ass kicked and that was very responsible for sending me on the path I’m on today! Similar to the 300 workout, today our workout has 200 total reps for our 200th total PPF WOD.
Read on for movement modifications, but quick note that if your push press variation is single arm only, be sure to do 25 per arm. The alternating snatches should be 50 total (25 per arm) and the Lunges should be 50 total (25 per leg.)
Strict Pull Up Modifications
This will be the biggest challenge of the workout, for sure. If you have access to assisted pull ups (a machine, bands, etc.) this would be a great day for that option. I want to keep today’s workout strict! No kipping. If you don’t have a way to do assisted pull ups, the best option for today would be the Bodyweight Row! However, you can do any pulling motion in place of these pull ups today. Just make sure that whichever version you use, you should set your weight/angle to a tough enough spot that you CANNOT do more than 10-15 reps in a row. The first 25 reps of this workout should not be unbroken and the last set should DEFINITELY not be unbroken!
Push Press Modifications
This movement should be doable for just about everyone, whether you are using a Barbell, single or double Dumbbells, or a broomstick! However, if you can’t coordinate the movement, simplify it by using a Strict Press instead. If you can’t press overhead, any other press will do. That could be Push Ups, Dips, Floor Press, or Bench Press.
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch Modifications
This move can be tricky to learn! If you are having trouble with it, break it into 2-3 parts. The two part version is to first take the weight and get it from the ground to the thigh level (like a deadlift.) Then pop it up over your head in one smooth motion, using your whole body to power the movement. The three part version would be to first Deadlift the weight to your thighs, then pop the weight up to your shoulders (a Hang Power Clean) and then drive the weight up from your shoulders to overhead.
If any part of that sequence doesn’t work for you, cut it out of the equation!
Lunge Modifications
The lunge can be walking, forward, or reverse. Whichever works for you and your legs! The lunge video has many modifications to choose from, but if you aren’t ready for the single leg stuff yet, go with an Air Squat or a Dumbbell Squat Variation.
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 25-75 V-Ups in as few sets as possible.
Cool Down
1-2min in Couch Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min in Child’s Pose
As much time as you’d like in Legs Up The Wall! Great job this week!