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Workout 188 - TGU, Swing, TTB

15min AMRAP

3 Turkish Get-Ups - Right Arm

3 Turkish Get-Ups - Left Arm

20 Kettlebell Swings

10 Toes to Bar

General Warm Up

Start today with the Full Joint Rotation Warmup. Treat that body right! Then, get in some easy cardio for 3-5min before completing…


1 Turkish Get-Up on Each Side with no weight (practice!)

5 American Kettlebell Swings (if you are comfortable with it)

5-10 Sit Ups

Specific Warm Up

Begin with the Turkish Get-Up. Because you should have already practiced 3 on each side with no weight in the warm up, you should have a good idea of how much weight you can use for this workout, if any! Take 2-3 sets of 2 reps per arm to work your way up to your weight for the day.

After that, hit the Kettlebell Swing Primer and then work your way up to your swing weight for the day.

Finally, decide on a Toes To Bar variation or substitution and do 3 sets of 3-5 reps in order to be ready for the clock to start!

Workout of the Day

15min AMRAP

3 Turkish Get-Ups - Right Arm

3 Turkish Get-Ups - Left Arm

Workout Notes

We’ve got a tricky one today, but I think it looks so fun! The turkish get-up is a very tough movement, but a very important one. It should always be done in a slow and calculated manner. It’s all about stabilization, core strength, and balance. The Kettlebell Swings are written to be done as American Swings (overhead) but if you aren’t comfortable with that, Russian (eye-level) is fine! The Turkish Get Up should be slow and steady and the Swings and Toes to Bar should be fast and sweaty. Let’s get after it!

Turkish Get Up Modifications

I’d love for everyone to be able to do a full TGU someday! However, if you aren’t able to complete any specific portion of it, just do the part that you can complete pain free and with good form. For example, if you can do the first half of the movement, but you can’t get through the lunge, then just do the first half of the movement. This is what’s known as a Half Get-Up. If you are in the reverse category, start in the standing position, pop the weight overhead, and just do Reverse Lunges with the weight overhead and skip the ground part. However, if there’s any way (with a shoe on your hand?) that you can put the whole movement together, I truly believe it’s one of the best movements for full body functionality and you should practice it!

Kettlebell Swing Modifications

As noted above, these are written to be overhead swings, but modify to eye-level if it suits your needs! If the swing is too ballistic for your body, go with some type of Deadlift instead.

Toes to Bar Modifications

As per usual, I’d love to have you hanging from a bar for any variation today found in the toes to bar video (hanging knee raises, knees to elbows) but if you need to NOT hang from something, any Sit Up, V-Up or crunch variation that you like will do!

Optional Accessory Work


:30 Other Side Plank

:30 Glute Bridge March

:30 Rest

Cool Down

1-2min in Forward Folds (Each Leg If Necessary)

1-2min in Saddle Pose

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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