10 Deadlifts
10 Hang Power Snatches
75 Double Unders
General Warm Up
3-5min Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
5 Inchworms (no push up)
5 Burpees
Specific Warm Up
First, practice your movements with a PVC pipe or empty bar. The Hang Power Snatch is tricky, and it should be the determining factor for the weight you can use on this workout. Once you have the movements down, do 3 sets of 5 Deadlifts + 5 Hang Power Snatches, adding weight as you go, until you find a good working weight for the day.
After that, go through the Jump Rope video and practice the different options. Decide which is right for your workout today, and get after it!
Workout of the Day
10 Deadlifts
Workout Notes
This workout is simple and to the point! Whether you are using a barbell, a dumbbell, kettlebells, or a can of fruit cocktail, the recipe is the same:
10 reps of weight going from the ground to the thigh level.
10 reps of the weight going from the thigh/hip level to overhead.
~1min of getting your heart rate way up.
Note: if you are using a barbell, make sure you are using a deadlift grip for deadlifts (narrow-ish) and then switching to the wide snatch grip for the HP Snatches.
The idea would be to use one weight that you can hang power snatch for 10 reps in a row. Yes, I know that means the deadlift will be light. I don’t care. : )
Deadlift Modifications
The deadlift is a movement that should be doable for everyone, be it single leg, double leg, barbell, or dumbbell! If you cannot add any weight to the movement, that’s ok! Use empty hands or a broomstick/PVC pipe/Swiffer handle. Stick your butt backwards, keep your back flat, and let those knees bend! Only go as far as you can with a flat back.
Hang Power Snatch Modifications
The Hang Power Snatch simply means that we are taking a weight from a low position (below the hips) and using our whole body to pop the weight up and overhead in one smooth motion. If you are having trouble coordinating that endeavor, try doing a Hang Power Clean and Jerk instead. That just means that instead of one smooth motion from low to high, you’ll stop in the middle at shoulder level first, then push it up overhead. If you are having any issues with pressing overhead, do only the Hang Power Clean and stop there!
Double Under Modifications
I know this will sting for some of you, but these 75 double unders should be ~1:00 of work. : / Options would be to do as many double unders as possible in 1:00, do as many Single Unders/freestyle jump rope as you can in one minute, 75 single unders, 75 penguin taps, or 40 Jumping Jacks.
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 50-100 Lunges (total) in as few sets as possible. Add weight if you want to up the challenge!
Cool Down
1-2min of Forward Folds (on each side, if necessary)
1-2min of Calf Stretches
1-2min in the PVC T-Spine Stretch