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Workout 201 - AMRAP: TTB and Bike

18:00 AMRAP

5 - 10 - 15 -20 - etc.

Toes to Bar

Bike Calories

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…

3 Rounds

5 Arch Ups with :03 Hold at the Top

Specific Warm Up

If you are attempting toes to bar, start with some hanging from the bar, then do some basic beat swings. After that, start by doing a set of 5 kipping hanging knee raises. Then work your way to some hanging straight leg raises. Keep raising your legs higher and higher until you get to your Toes to Bar!

If you aren’t attempting toes to bar, work your way to your substitution or heavy up some V-Ups or Sit Ups!

Whatever your cardio implement is, do about :30 at an easy pace, followed by :30 rest. Then about :30 at a moderate pace, followed by :30 rest. Finally, give it a good :10 - :15 SPRINT and then once you recover from that, you are ready to start the clock and get after it!

Workout of the Day

18:00 AMRAP

5 - 10 - 15 -20 - etc.

Bike Calories

Workout Notes

Oooooh the SPICE! The spice is life!

This workout is an AMRAP with an ascending rep scheme. AMRAP means “As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible.” That means that you’ll need to set a clock for 18min, which is a long time! Then you’ll start with 5 Toes to Bar and Biking 5 Calories. After that, you’ll do 10 Toes to Bar and Bike 10 calories. After that would be 15 and 15 and so on until your clock runs out of time. Both of these movements will slow down tremendously pretty quickly, so don’t worry if you are chipping away. I know I will be : )

Toes to Bar Modifications

As always with Toes to Bar, I’d love for you to find a version that allows you to hang from a bar. That could be strict or kipping Toes To Bar, Hanging Leg Raises, Hanging Knee Raises, Knees to Elbows, etc. However, that is not realistic for many of you. If that’s the case, any V-Up, Sit Up, or crunching variation will work just fine!

Bike Modifications

Use our Cardio Options Resource page for substitution ideas if you are not using an Air Bike today!

Optional Accessory Work

3-5 Rounds

5 Arch Ups with a :03 hold at the top

Cool Down

1-2min of gentle Forearm Stretches

1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Leg


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