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Workout 202 - Snatch and Wall Ball


20 Power Snatches

35 Wall Balls

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…

3 Rounds

20 Jumping Jacks

Specific Warm Up

The first movement to focus on here is the Power Snatch. Decide whether it would be best for you to use a barbell or a dumbbell. If you are doing a Barbell Power Snatch, hit the Barbell Snatch Warm Up and then decide what weight to use today. Hint: with 20 reps at a time, it won’t be much! Might be a great day for an empty bar workout.

If you are using a dumbbell, this will be 20 reps of alternating single arm dumbbell snatches. That means a total of 10 per arm so warm up with some short sets of dumbbell snatches, gradually going heavier until you get to your working weight for the day.

After you have the snatch options figured out, get those wall balls (or wall ball subs) ready to go with 2-3 sets of 5 reps.

Workout of the Day


Workout Notes

This workout looks like it’s gonna sting! There are only 3 rounds, but both movements have a really high rep count per round. That means that in order to complete the workout, you’re going to have to humble yourself and go lighter than you may want to. Possibly even no weight at all!

Power Snatch Modifications

The snatch is the hardest movement in the whole functional fitness catalogue! It’s extremely complicated, even with lightweight power variations. If you need to simplify it, remember that all that we are trying to do is take any weight from the ground to over your head in one smooth motion. If going from the ground is too much for you, try a Hang Power Snatch instead. If the movement isn’t jiving with you in general, simplify by using an American (overhead) Kettlebell Swing instead. If you aren’t ready to go overhead today, go for a Russian (eye level) Kettlebell Swing instead.

Wall Ball Modifications

The Wall Ball is nothing more than a Squat, followed by a Push Press. If you don’t have the space for wall balls today, go with a Thruster variation instead. Keep in mind though, that one Wall Ball would equate to a thruster with about 40 total pounds of weight. With dumbbells that means a maximum of 20lbs per hand. Don’t go above that! In fact, with this many reps on the docket, I’d recommend just using a PVC pipe! If you really want to humble yourself, do this workout with Jump Squats or Air Squats only. I promise it’ll still be very effective!

Optional Accessory Work

3-5 Sets of 5-10 Reps of Good Mornings

These should be done with a VERY light weight, like an empty bar or PVC Pipe. Slow and controlled!

Cool Down

1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Leg

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