15 Bodyweight Rows
30 Push Ups
60 Double Unders
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
3 Rounds
:15 - :30 Handstand Hold or Inversion
5 Split Squats - Right Leg Fwd
5 Split Squats - Left Leg Fwd
5 Single Leg RDL’s - Right Leg
5 Single Leg RDL’s - Left Leg
Specific Warm Up
We’ve got three movements on the docket today. Each one is simple, but will require at least a few sets to find the right variation for you. Give them each a few short sets of practice before you start the clock. When you’ve got each one heated up, get after it!
Workout of the Day
30 Push Ups
Workout Notes
This workout is deceptive because of the simple upper body pushing and pulling. The movements are simple, but they are both prone to reaching fatigue very quickly! For that reason, be sure that you choose variations/angles that allow you to complete the first round or two relatively unbroken. If you start out at an angle that requires you to break your set up 3 or 4 times, you will never make it to the end of this pump sesh!
Bodyweight Row Modifications
The Bodyweight Row should be something we all have access to, but if you don’t, any pulling motion will do. That could be Strict Pull Ups, Single Arm Dumbbell Rows, Barbell Rows, or even Bicep Curls.
Push Up Modifications
With this many reps in a row and this many reps total, it’s a great day to modify the angle of your push up! Maybe that means using knee push ups. Maybe that means putting your hands on your kitchen counter or a high box at the gym. If the first 5-10 reps feel “too easy” it’s probably a good place to work today! If you aren’t down for push ups, try Floor Press or Bench Press
Double Under Modifications
60 Double Unders should take :30-:45 for you jump rope bad asses out there. If you are still chipping away at double unders, give yourself about 1:00 per round to get as many as you can. Otherwise, 60 Single Unders, 60 Penguin Taps, or 30 Jumping Jacks will do the trick.
Optional Accessory Work
Spend 10-20min at a moderate and steady pace on the cardio implement of your choice. Power walking, Incline treadmill walking, Rowing, Biking, or Stair Climbing are all great options!
Cool Down
1-2min of Calf Stretches
1-2min of Child’s Pose