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Workout 209 - EMOM: Snatch, Dub, Squat Thrust


Min A: 20 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches

Min B: 50 Double Unders

Min C: Max Squat Thrusts Over the Dumbbell

Min D: Rest

General Warm Up

3-5min of easy cardio (lots of cardio lies ahead!) and then…

3 Rounds

Specific Warm Up

Perform the following 3-4 times, beginning at a slow pace with a light dumbbell. Each round, add a little weight to the dumbbell and pick up the pace a little until you are up to full weight and speed!


6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

4 Squat Thrusts Over the Dumbbell

Workout of the Day


Min A: 20 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches

Min B: 50 Double Unders

Min C: Max Squat Thrusts Over the Dumbbell

Min D: Rest

Workout Notes

As mentioned in yesterday’s notes, we have our last weightlifting workout for the holiday week in anticipation of many folks travelling and being “equipment free” over the holiday.

This workout is an Alternating EMOM, which means “Every Minute On the Minute.” This means that you will need to set a clock or a timer that you can see easily from your workout space. Every time the clock reaches the top of a new minute, you have a new task to complete. In the A minute, you’ll need to do 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches. Reminder, that’s 10 per arm! You will then rest for the remainder of that minute. In Minute B, 50 Double Unders and then rest for the remainder of that minute. In Minute C, you’ll do as many Squat Thrusts Over the Dumbbell as possible before the minute runs out, knowing that Minute D will be rest.

Repeat that whole sequence 5 times, which will amount to 19 minutes, or 20 minutes if you count the final rest.

Final notes on this: whatever weight/variation you choose for the snatches and jump rope should NOT take the full minute! Aim for about 40 seconds of Snatches and 30 seconds of jump rope. There should definitely be rest built into those minutes!

Dumbbell Snatch Modifications

This movement is meant to be 10 reps per arm of taking something from the ground level to overhead in one smooth motion. Sometimes folks can handle the movement, but alternating every rep gives them some coordination trouble. If that’s the case, feel free to do 10 right and then 10 left. If the “from the ground” portion is giving you trouble, try a dumbbell HANG Power Snatch. If going overhead in one smooth motion is giving you trouble, you can turn this into a dumbbell Clean and Jerk (or Hang Clean and Jerk) which means you’ll get the dumbbell to the shoulder and then pop it over head. If going overhead is giving you issues, go with a Hang Power Clean and stop there!

Double Under Modifications

As mentioned in the workout notes, these double unders should take 30-40 seconds. That gives you lots of options! You can do as many double unders as possible in 30-40 seconds. You could do as many single unders as possible in 30-40 seconds. Or you can do 50 Single Unders, single Penguin Taps, or double Penguin Taps. If you don’t like any of those options, 25-30 jumping jacks will do the trick as well!

Squat Thrust Over the Dumbbell Modifications

For this movement, you’ll do a squat thrust (any version from the demo video) and then hop over your dumbbell. You can hop forwards or sideways, but the goal is to hop over with both feet leaving the ground at once. First modification, just do a jump in place instead of over the dumbbell! Jumping not for you? You can step over your dumbbell as well. Not enough room to be hoping OR stepping over? Just stick with a regular squat thrust.

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 25-75 Hand Release Push Ups in as few sets as possible!

Cool Down

1-2min of Forward Folds on Each Leg, if Necessary

1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Leg

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