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Workout 211 - Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Workout!

Mainsite 171123

35min AMRAP

Max Distance Run

*Every 5 Minutes, On the Minute: Stop and perform 15 burpees.

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…


Specific Warm Up

The specific warm up today is all about which cardio version you intend to do! If you are running, OBVIOUSLY ya gotta get in your Hinshaw Warm Up, found below. If you are rowing, hit the Rowing Primer, followed by at least 200m of extra rowing. If you are choosing biking or alternate means of Cardio, spend a couple of minutes hitting your specific movements of the day and then get after it! It’s a long one!

10-20 steps/yards of each movement:

  • Over the Hurdle Sideways

  • Over the Hurdle Forwards

  • Knee to Chest

  • Figure 4

  • Lunge and Reach

  • Lunge and Twist

  • Tin Soldier

  • High Knees

  • Butt Kickers

  • Straight Leg Bounce

  • Side Shuffles (with and without arms)

Workout of the Day

Thanksgiving Workout!

Mainsite 171123

35min AMRAP

Max Distance Run

*Every 5 Minutes, On the Minute: Stop and perform 15 Burpees.

Workout Notes

This workout is pretty simple! Cardio + Burpees, repeat, repeat, repeat, etc.How fun does THAT sound?!? I have been doing this workout every Thanksgiving since 2017 and it always hits the spot…. For me : )

If you are running or power walking, all you need is a watch or a timer that will let you know when it’s burpee o’clock. If you are rowing or biking, this is a little easier because you can position yourself towards a wall clock or timer. One thing to keep in mind with these versions: No matter how long your burpees take, you stop every 5 minutes! The clock keeps ticking the whole time. That means that as you get tired, it’ll take you longer and longer to burpee, which means you’ll have less time to run during each interval.

If you are at home and don’t have any of those options, there are a couple of ways you can go here. The first one is more complicated, but truer to the original workout, I suppose. That would be to use our Cardio Options page to mix and match bodyweight movements however you please, but stop on every 5min mark to do your burpees. This is a much more flexible way to go after it, but flexibility and creativity can sometimes be daunting.

A more concrete way to do this would be to turn the whole thing into an EMOM. For the sake of simplicity, I would choose 4 cardio movements plus burpees and do 7 rounds (or as many rounds as is appropriate for you) of them in an EMOM fashion. For example:


Min A: Jump Rope

Min B: Mountain Climbers

Min C: Jumping Jacks (or Jump Rope again!)

Min D: Air Squats

Min E: Burpees

Of course, you can choose your own movements and disperse them however you want, but this makes the workout super simple and doable anywhere!

Burpee Modifications

The first thing that should be adjusted is the number of burpees! 15 is going to be far too many for most people. I would bring it down to a reasonable number for YOU. A good way to test this would be to set a timer for one minute and do burpees at a moderate pace. Not super speedy. Count how many you get and that would be a good number to choose!

Another way to do it would be to just do one minute of burpees during the workout and however many you get, you get!

If you need to change the movement, the 8 Count Body Builder and the Squat Thrust are always great options!

Optional Accessory Work


Cool Down

1-2min of Calf Stretches on Each Leg

1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Leg

10 Slow reps of the World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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