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Workout 213 - BW Rows, Squats, Double Unders

12:00 AMRAP

15 Bodyweight Rows

20 Goblet Squats

100 Double Unders

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

25 Jumping Jacks (:30 Cardio)

Specific Warm Up

Today’s workout has 3 movements that each need a little bit of time spent on them. For the bodyweight rows, do a few sets of 5, changing the angle each time until you find an angle that allows you to complete 15 reps in a row, but barely. The thrusters in the warm up should have your legs ready for squatting, but if you intend to add weight for the workout, go ahead and do a few sets of 5, working your way a little heavier each time until you get to your weight for the day. After that, spend some time playing around with the options in the jump rope video until you find a jump rope variation that works well for you today. Heat that up and you’ll be ready to rock and roll!

Workout of the Day

12:00 AMRAP

Workout Notes

The style of today’s workout is an “AMRAP” which stands for “As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible.” That means that for today’s workout, you will need to set a 12min timer and then cycle through the workload as many times as you can before the timer runs out!

Bodyweight Row Modifications

If you don’t have rings available to you, any pulling motion will do! This could be Bent Over Rows, Pull Ups, or any pulling motion you can do on a cable station or machine at the gym. If you do a single arm variation (like dumbbell rows) make sure you do 15 per arm!

Goblet Squat Modifications

The easiest thing to change here would be to take away the weight and just use any Air Squat variation found in the video. However, if squats aren’t happening for you today, you could use box step ups, lunges, or a hinging motion like Deadlifts. However, note that the Day 3 workout is very hinge-centric and so if you deadlift today, think about giving it a day between workouts for those hammies to rest!

Double Under Modifications

100 Single Unders or Freestyle Jump Rope works just as well! This could also be 50 Jumping Jacks if you don’t have a rope. Also, I was given THIS awful jump rope recently and it seriously makes single unders just as hard as double unders! If you are not a double under-er but singles are too easy for you, I highly recommend picking one of these up to amp up your workouts!

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 2:00 in a Hollow Hold and 2:00 in an Arch Hold, however you please!

Cool Down

1-2min in Child’s Pose

1-2min in Couch Stretch on Each Leg

1-2min of Calf Stretches on Each Leg

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