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Workout 215 - Row and Box Jump


500m Row

45 Box Jumps

1000m Row

30 Box Jumps

1500m Row

15 Box Jumps

2000m Row

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

Specific Warm Up

If you are rowing, start with the Rowing Primer. If you are swapping that out for running, make sure you hit the Hinshaw Warm Up!

After your cardio of choice is heated up, do 3 sets of 5 Box Jumps, progressing your box a little higher each time, if possible. Make sure whatever box jumps you are attempting are VERY comfortable, because once your legs are tired from the rowing, you will need to make sure you are confident in your box jumps!

Workout of the Day


500m Row

1000m Row

30 Box Jumps

1500m Row

15 Box Jumps

2000m Row

Workout Notes

Oooooh this is gonna be a spicy one! That’s a lot of rowing… This workout is pretty clear cut. The rowing starts short and gets longer, the box jumps start with a lot and end with a few. Go!

Pacing on this workout will be tricky, so just keep moving! See the movement modifications for some ideas of how to make this workout fit your level!

Rowing Modifications

Ok this is the hard part to modify, for sure! If you aren’t rowing, use our Cardio Options Page to find equivalents on another form of cardio. If you aren’t sure what distances you should use or just know you are going to use odd forms of cardio instead, use the following breakdown to make your choices:

500m Row = 2min

1000m Row = 4min

1500m Row = 6min

2000m Row = 8min

If you are using odd cardio pieces, there are many ways to make this work. One example of this could be:

500m Row =


:30 Jump Rope

:30 Plank

1000m Row =


:30 Jump Rope

:30 Squat Thrusts

:30 Mountain Climbers

:30 Plank

Then of course you would do 3 rounds, and finally 4 rounds to end the workout. Just one way to do it. Be as creative as you want!

Optional Accessory Work

Spend 10min working on your Handstands / Inversions!

Cool Down

1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 on Each Leg

1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Leg

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