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Workout 218 - Tabata: Burpees and Bike

Tabata: Burpees

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Reverse Burpees

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Bike Cals

General Warm Up

3-5min of easy Cardio of Choice, then…


10-20 Pose-Pulls per leg

Specific Warm Up

Start by checking out the Burpee video and deciding which variation works best for you. Do 3 sets of 3 reps, going from nice and easy to fast over the course of your sets.

Next, check out the Reverse Burpee video (and the modifications section below) and do the same thing as above.

If you are biking, then do a 1:00 chunk of biking at a moderate pace, then rest until your heart rate comes down. Then do a 30 second chunk of biking at a fairly high pace, then rest again. Finally, do a 15-20 second all out sprint! Then you should be ready to go!

Workout of the Day

Tabata: Burpees

Rest 1:00

Rest 1:00

Tabata: Bike Cals

Workout Notes

HOOboy this workout looks nasty and just the total opposite of yesterday. First thing to address is the “TABATA” nature of the workout. For those unfamiliar, one full Tabata is 8 Rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. That means that this workout starts with 8 rounds of burpees, then 8 rounds of reverse burpees, then 8 rounds of cardio intervals. The goal is to go as full-out as you can during your 20 second work intervals and then hold on tight as you crash and burn! : )

If you don’t already have Tabata Timer, there are many free ones in your app store and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough. It makes workouts like this SO much easier to manage when you’re just listening for the beeps!

Burpee Modifications

The burpee can be modified in the different ways found in the video, but if none of those are working for you, go with Squat Thrusts! It’s essentially a partial burpee and many folks move faster through Squat Thrusts, which enables them to get a more high paced interval workout in.

Reverse Burpee Modifications

This is a tricky one to modify! I’d highly recommend using the modifications in the video. Remember, the burpee is just lying face down and getting back up. In the same way, the reverse burpee is just lying down face UP and getting back up! However, if you are not feeling the movement at all, you can always go with some type of Sit Up or V-Up.

Bike Modifications

Today’s biking for cardio is easy to modify because we aren’t biking for Calories or Meters; we are just biking for those 20 second intervals in the tabata. For that reason, you can go to our Cardio Options Page and choose any machine or movement or movements that work for you and get after it!

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 3-4 minutes in your toughest Front Plank, Around the World Plank, or Side Plank variation! Break it up however you please.

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side

1-2min (or more!) in the Bottom of the Squat hold

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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