20 Power Snatches
100 Double Unders
20 Power Snatches
75 Double Unders
20 Power Snatches
50 Double Unders
General Warm Up
3-5min of easy cardio of choice, then…
:30-:60 of jump rope ladder drills
Specific Warm Up
Two fairly high skill movements on the docket today! First, decide whether or not the Power Snatches will be with a Barbell or with a Single Dumbbell. Either way, start with some light reps and work your way up for the day. Note that with 20 reps at a time, it’s not going to be too heavy today!
The second skill is Double Unders. Go through the Jump Rope Variations video, practice the different skills and decide which one is best for you today!
Workout of the Day
100 Double Unders
20 Power Snatches
75 Double Unders
20 Power Snatches
50 Double Unders
Workout Notes
This workout is fairly straightforward! It should be pretty quick and sprint-y. The first 20 Power Snatches should definitely be unbroken if you are using dumbbells. If using a barbell, you can use a weight that allows you to break the 20 in half in the first set. After that first set though? Anything goes! It’s going to get spicy, so you may end up breaking up the second and third sets quite a bit!
This workout should be done as quickly as possible and it ends with your set of 50 double unders.
Power Snatch Modifications
This workout can either be done with Barbell Power Snatches or Alternating Dumbbell Snatches. Whichever one you choose, you should do 20 reps total. That means that for you dumbbell folks, you’ll do 10 per arm and NOT 20 per arm!
If the full Power Snatch (from floor to overhead in one motion) is not happening for you, feel free to do a partial version, like a Hang Power Snatch (from thighs to overhead in one motion. If neither of those options feel right, simplify things and go for an American Kettlebell Swing instead. If going overhead is not in the cards for you, go with a Power Clean (floor to shoulder,) a Hang Power Clean (thigh to shoulder,) or Russian Kettlebell Swings.
Double Under Modifications
Ohhhhh the ol’ double under situation. There are so many ways to work around this one! First of all, if you have double unders, but you think doing 100-75-50 will take you forever, then you can either drop the number down to something manageable OR turn it into a time based endeavor. In order to do that, you’ll do as many double unders as you can in 1:00, :45, and finally :30.
If you don’t have double unders, you can do Single Unders or Penguin Taps with the same rep scheme, or the same time scheme as above: 1:00, :45, and :30. I’ve mentioned this before, but if you are a single underer FOR LIFE then I’d highly recommend this awful Drag Rope from Rx Smart Gear. It makes my single unders feel as hard as double unders!
You can also do 50 Jumping Jacks, 40 Jumping Jacks, and 30 Jumping Jacks in place of the jump rope. Or if you’re feeling spicy, keep the regular rep scheme!
If you’d like to use an alternate form of cardio, use our Cardio Options Page and find an option that works for you in the same approximate time scheme: 1:00, :45, and :30.
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 50 V-Ups in as few sets as possible!
Cool Down
1-2min in Saddle Pose
1-2min of Calf Stretches or Foam Rolling