Start a clock and start doing Single Unders. Then…
Every :30 on the :30
1 Squat Thrust
*Add 1 Squat Thrust every :30 until you can no longer complete the prescribed amount of Squat Thrusts in the associated round.
General Warm Up
Begin with the Joint Rotation Warm Up, then...
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
:30 Plank Up-Downs (or regular Front Plank)
10 Air Squats
10 Sit Ups*
*If it’s in your wheelhouse, swap out these sit ups for 5 Inverted Burpees. They’re fun to play with and they may or may not be coming up in the Christmas Workout...
Specific Warm Up
This workout is super simple so it shouldn’t take too much to get ready. All you really need to do is go through the Squat Thrusts video and figure out a variation that works for you. The goal here is to move fast, so make sure you are super confident and quick on your variation of choice!
Workout of the Day
Start a clock and start doing Single Unders. Then…
Every :30 on the :30
*Add 1 Squat Thrust every :30 until you can no longer complete the prescribed amount of Squat Thrusts in the associated round.
Workout Notes
Ok here we’ve got a workout that looks sort of messy, but I promise it’s pretty simple. Basically you just want to be jumping rope for the duration of the workout and every :30 you stop jumping rope to do some Squat Thrusts. That’s it! If you are using an EMOM timer, it will tell you which round you are on and that will be a simple way to keep track of your squat thrusts. If you are using a stopwatch, you’ll stop at the :30 mark to do 1 Squat thrust, then pick up your rope and keep jumping. At 1:00 you’ll do 2 Squat thrusts. At 1:30 you’ll do 3 Squat Thrusts and so on until you can no longer keep up.
It’s important to note that in order for this workout to be effective, you’ll need to be able to do the squat thrusts pretty damn fast. Like 2-3 seconds per rep, consistently. If you do 2 seconds per rep, that means you can squeeze in 14-15 squat thrusts at the most. That would mean you get to the 7th minute of this workout. Pretty short! If you are slower on the squat thrusts, you could get timed out too early, like in the 3rd or 4th minute. If this is the case for you and you know you are slower on this movement, change this workout to the following:
Single Unders… stop Every Minute on the Minute to do Squat Thrusts
This will buy you more time to work in between your EMOM and you’ll have a better chance at getting in a 7-10min workout!
Single Under Modifications
If you don’t jump rope or don’t have a jump rope, this can be any bouncy cardio that you like. Jumping Jacks are the easiest substitution, but you could get fancy and do some shadow boxing, dancing, Pose Running Drills, or whatever floats your boat! The key is that it needs to be something that you can start and stop easily so that you can get into and out of your Squat Thrusts. For example, using a rower would be a bad idea because you’ll lose all of your time just getting strapped in and out!
Squat Thrust Modifications
The Squat Thrust is a pretty simple move that shouldn’t require much modifying. If you feel like you are too slow on them, modify the timing scheme as mentioned above in the notes. If you are unable to use your upper body for these, go with 1 Air Squat as a sub for 1 Squat Thrust.
Optional Accessory Work
3 - 5 Rounds*
10 Single Arm DB Rows + 10 Bicep Curls** - Right Arm
10 Single Arm DB Rows + 10 Bicep Curls - Left Arm
Rest 1:00
*Based on your experience level, your schedule and how you are feeling today!
**This is encouraged to be some sort of “single arm muscle clean.” See video for demo!
Cool Down
1-2min of Calf Stretches or Foam Rolling
1-2min (or more) in the Bottom of the Squat Hold