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Workout 228 - BW Row, Hamstrings, KB Swings


15 Bodyweight Rows

3 Hamstring Walkouts

15 Kettlebell Swings

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…


Specific Warm Up

Start by following the Kettlebell Swing Primer video. Then choose your kettlebell swing variation for the day, either Russian or American, based on your comfort level.

After that, take 3 sets of 5 Bodyweight Rows to gradually decrease the angle to a point where you feel like you can do 15 in a row, but just BARELY.

Finally, do at least 3 controlled and careful Hamstring Walkouts to be sure they feel ok and that the rep scheme is doable for you.

Workout of the Day


Workout Notes

This workout is one that my hero, Pat Sherwood, would call a “Strength Day at a High Heart Rate.” These movements are all meant to build and strengthen your posterior chain (the back side of your body) but we are going to try to burn through it with enough speed that we ALSO get our heart rates up and break a sweat. Strength and Conditioning! Boom!

Bodyweight Row Modifications

The easiest adjustment to make here would be to do a Bent Over Row variation instead. However, if you love Strict Pull Ups and can handle this workload, that would be a nasty substitution as well! If you have a gym at your disposal, you can also substitute any cable pulling station that suits your needs!

Hamstring Walkout Modifications

These are tough! If they aren’t tough, you aren’t being strict enough, or you’re moving too fast. Time under tension is key here! Methodical steps. If this is a move you don’t dig, any Hamstring centric movement will do. This could be Nordic Curls, Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, Single Leg RDLs, or a hamstring curl machine at your gym.

Kettlebell Swing Modifications

These can be done with either eye-level or overhead swings with either single or double kettlebells or single or double dumbbells. Just make sure it’s decently challenging and that you never have to break up the set! If you aren’t down for the swings, go with a standard Deadlift instead.

Optional Accessory Work

3-5 Rounds

Rest 1:00

Cool Down

1-2min in Forward Folds (on each leg, if necessary)

1-2min in Child’s Pose

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