Christmas Workout!
Performed in the style of the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”...
1 Reverse Burpee*
2 Burpee Overs
3 Squat Thrusts
4 Shoulder to Overhead
5 Hang Power Cleans
6 Deadlifts
7 Box Jumps
8 Lunges
9 V-Ups
10 Double Unders
11 Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
*Bonus points if you make this an Inverted Burpee!
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…
:30 Each Side Plank
15 Hollow Rocks (or :20 Hollow Hold)
50 Single Unders (or 25 Jumping Jacks)
Specific Warm Up
Those of you who know workouts of this style (I’ve programmed one every year for nearly a decade!) know that they are beastly. The only thing you can do is go through each movement, practice it for a few reps, and then get after it!
Workout of the Day
Christmas Workout!
Performed in the style of the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”...
2 Burpee Overs
8 Lunges**
9 V-Ups
11 Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
*Bonus points if you make this an Inverted Burpees!
**Bonus points if you make these Pistol Squats!
Workout Notes
Iiiiiiiiiit’s thaaaaaaat tiiiiiiime of yeeeeear! Workouts like these are a tradition and I absolutely love them. Every year I say I’m going to use this format at a non-Christmas time of year, but then I always forget to and it becomes a once-a-year tradition.
Ok… so since I’ve done one of these every year for nearly a decade, I can say with certainty that every year there is confusion about how it works and every year I end up getting in an argument with people about how the song “The 12 Days of Christmas” goes! You know that song? It starts with 1 partridge in a pear tree. Then what? 2 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. Then 3 french hens, 2 turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. Right? The format is…
2, 1
3, 2, 1
4, 3, 2, 1
Etc until you get to...
12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
This workout works the exact same way! In it’s long form, it will look like….
1 Reverse Burpee
2 Burpee Overs, 1 Reverse Burpee
3 Squat thrusts, 2 Burpee Overs, 1 Reverse Burpee
4 Shoulder to Overhead, 3 Squat thrusts, 2 Burpee Overs, 1 Reverse Burpee
5 Hang Power Cleans, 4 Shoulder to Overhead, 3 Squat thrusts, 2 Burpee Overs, 1 Reverse Burpee
Every year, this type of workout starts off really quick and easy and when I get to the 6th or 7th day I say to myself “this is going to be way too short!” and then 20min later I’m still chipping away and laughing at myself.
Have fun with it! I know I will!
Reverse Burpee Modifications
First of all, bonus points if you make it an Inverted Burpee! Secondly, remember that the reverse burpee is really just laying down on your back and then getting up. However, you accomplish that (safely) is great!
Burpee Over Modifications
This is meant to be a burpee and then a hop over your weight. The weight for your days 4-5-6 may be a barbell, or a dumbbell/kettlebell situation. If you are not comfortable with hopping over your implement, just go with a standard burpee or a burpee with no jump at all! If Burpees are too ballistic for you or you are looking for an added upper body challenge, use 8 Count Body Builders instead.
Squat Thrust Modifications
All modifications for this one are found in the video. Remember, a slow Squat Thrust is still a Squat Thrust!
Shoulder to Overhead Modifications
If at ALL possible, because of the sequence built into days 4-5-6 of this workout, we want to try to press something overhead here. That could be any version of Shoulder to Overhead, so feel free to do the safest and most comfortable one for you. However, if you must, you can swap the overhead pressing out for some other kind of pressing. There’s a fair amount of horizontal pressing already in this workout (burpees/bodybuilders) so if you can find a way to do dips, that would be amazing. However, those are tough to squeeze in, so it’s more likely that you’ll sub in Push Ups, Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, or Dumbbell Floor Press.
Hang Power Clean Modifications
The Hang Power Clean is essentially just taking some kind of weight and popping it from thigh level to shoulder level. If the ballistic nature of the clean is too much for you, go with a Bicep Curls. If you aren’t feeling the bend at the elbow, go with a Kettlebell Swing variation.
Deadlift Modifications
The Deadlift can be modified to any hinging motion that works for you. This could be Romanian Deadlifts, Single Leg RDL’s, careful Good Mornings, or (as long as you aren’t doubling up) a Kettlebell Swing variation.
Box Jump Modifications
The box jump video contains a lot of different modifications, including using no equipment at all! If none of those work for you, check out the Power Jump video.
Lunge Modifications
Bonus points if you can turn these into Pistols! Lunges and Pistols should both be alternating, 4 per leg, per set.Lots of lunge options in the video! If the single leg work is too much for ya, go with an Air Squat, Dumbbell Squat, or Jump Squat!
V-Up Modifications
These can be Sit Ups or any Ab Movement that works for your beautiful bod!
Double Under Modifications
If you are going Single Unders, give me 10 Single unders with the biggest, highest bounce you’ve got. BIG singles! You can also do 10-20 Jumping Jacks or Penguin Taps. Whatever works to keep you moving!
Pull-Up/ Bodyweight Row Modifications
Any pulling will do. Bent Over Rows would be the simplest modification, but if you’re at the gym and have convenient access to an assisted pull up station or cable stations for pulling, go for it!
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch Modifications
If going all the way to the floor is too much for you, go with a Hang Power Snatch instead. If the overhead portion is bugging you, go with a full Power Clean or Deadlift variation!
Cool Down
Legs Up The Wall and drink some eggnog! (...not at the same time…)