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Workout 233 - Dubs and KB Swings

15:00 Ascending AMRAP

10-20-30-40-50-etc: Double Unders

5-10-15-20-25-etc: Kettlebell Swings

General Warm-Up

3-5 minutes of Cardio of choice, then…


10 Glute Bridges with a :02 hold at the top

Specific Warm Up

Rock that Kettlebell Swing Primer and then get your jump rope heated up!

Workout of the Day

15:00 Ascending AMRAP

10-20-30-40-50-etc: Double Unders

5-10-15-20-25-etc: Kettlebell Swings

Workout Notes

Ok this workout is an AMRAP, which stands for As Many Rounds As Possible. That would traditionally mean that we would set a timer for 15min and do as many rounds as we can before the timer runs out. However, there isn’t really a “ROUND” to this one. Instead, we have an ascending ladder. That means that you’ll start with 10 Double Unders and then do 5 Kettlebell Swings. If you make it through that, move on to 20 Double Unders and 10 Kettlebell Swings. If you make it through that, move on to 30 Double Unders and 15 Kettlebell Swings. Keep going like this until you’ve run out of time! Pace yourself, because it will start easy and those numbers will get big REAL quick.

Double Under Modifications

Standard double under substitutions apply! For this workout, depending on your skill/fitness level, if you are subbing in single unders you can either do a 1:1 sub or a 2:1 sub. 1:1 would mean that if 30 Dubs are written, you would do 30 Singles instead. 2:1 would mean that if 30 Dubs are written, you would do 60 Singles instead. This same idea applies to single Penguin Taps as well!

If you are doing Jumping Jacks, cut the rep count in half! That means if it says to do 50 Double Unders, do 25 Jumping Jacks instead.

Kettlebell Swing Modifications

These swings can be done as either American (Overhead) swings or Russian (Eye-Level) swings. If those options are too ballistic for you, go with a standard Kettlebell Deadlift!

Optional Accessory Work

Ab Blaster #1


:30 REST

Cool Down

1-2min of Forward Folds (on each leg, if necessary)

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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