21 Thrusters
15 Squat Thrusts Over Target
9 Air Bike Cals
General Warm-Up
3-5 minutes of Cardio of choice, then…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
5-10 Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups
:30 of Plank Up-Downs
Specific Warm Up
Today’s workout has three movements. Let’s start by testing out the Thruster for a set of 5-10 reps with no weight or very light weight. From there, work your way up to a weight and version where you think you can do all 21 in a row.
After that, decide on whether or not you are going to do your Squat Thrusts over your weight and if so, whether you are doing them sideways or facing your weight. Whichever you want to do, practice for at least 5 reps to make sure you can do them quickly and safely.
Lastly, the ol’ bikey bike. Whatever you are doing for Cardio, do about 30 seconds at a relatively easy pace, then rest until your heart rate comes back down. Then do :30 at a pretty hot pace. Rest. Then 15 seconds at an all out-ish pace. Once your heart rate is back down, it’s go time!
Workout of the Day
21 Thrusters
15 Squat Thrusts Over Target
9 Air Bike Cals
Workout Notes
Oooooh the spice! The spice is life! This workout consists of three high output movements, which means this one is proooobably gonna sting a bit. The goal is to choose movements and weights that allow you to go unbroken in round one. Do that and then try your best to keep your foot on the gas while things get real bumpy! This one should be fast and furious.
Thruster Modifications
The Thruster is just a squat with a press overhead. If either part of that doesn’t work for you, just do the other half! If you aren’t feeling the press overhead, go with Air Squats, Jump Squats, or a Dumbbell Squat Variation. If the squat part is what’s bugging you, go with a Shoulder to Overhead Variation.
Squat Thrust Over Target Modifications
The Squat Thrust is a movement most should be able to do. Remember, a slow Squat Thrust is still a Squat Thrust! However, some may want to remove the hop over the target part.
Bike Modifications
The Bike Cals are relatively low, but it should hurt! If you’ve got an Air Bike available, go for the 9 cals! If you think that’s too many, Bike as hard as you can for about 1:00! If you’ve got a bike of some kind that is not an airbike, bike hard for a minute! If you are rocking some alternate cardio, choose something from our Cardio Page and make sure it’s super tough!
Optional Accessory Work
3 - 5 Rounds
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - R
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - L
5 Tempo Glute Bridges (:03 at the top, :03 descent)
-Rest As Needed-
Cool Down
1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min of Triceps Stretch on Each Arm