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Workout 235 - New Years!

Happy New Year!


12 Squat Clean and Jerks

31 Lunges (weighted if possible)

21 “8 Count Body Builders”

1 Minute Farmer’s Carry

1 Minute Handstand Hold

22 Burpees

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then, at an easy warm-up pace…

8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

Double Unders / Jumping Jacks

Specific Warm Up

Whenever a workout has more than 3 movements in it, the best way to get it ready to go is to touch on each movement for a couple of sets of ~5 reps (or something short) in order to make sure the movement feels safe and the weight/variation you’ve chosen is appropriate for the workout. Then, get after it!

Workout of the Day

Happy New Year!


31 Lunges (weighted if possible)

1 Minute Farmers Carry

1 Minute Handstand Hold

Workout Notes

There’s a strong chance that you are doing this workout on a Day other than New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day but WHATEVER HAPPY NEW YEAR! And yeah, I know, depending on how you look at it, the new year may not look so happy. I get that. But I’m going to choose to look at it with as much gratitude as possible so WHATEVER HAPPY NEW YEAR!

This workout is one time through and can be nice and short if you’re just looking for a little easy movement, or can be REAL tough if you choose to load up on the weights and variations! Totally up to you because it’s your life and the start of your new year!

Squat Clean and Jerk Modifications

The Squat Clean and Jerk is a huge movement because it basically combines a Power Clean, a Front Squat, and a Shoulder to Overhead variation. That also means that if you are looking to modify any one part of that movement, you can cut that part out and keep the rest! If pulling from the floor is a no go, go with a Hang Squat Clean instead. If the Squat part is a no go, do a Power Clean and Jerk instead. Not feeling the Jerk/Shoulder to Overhead? Just do the Squat Clean or the Power Clean. Boom!

Lunge Modifications

Any Lunge variation will do and feel free to add weight in any way that feels right to you! And by feels right, I mean feels awful. Obviously.

8 Count Body Builder Modifications

This movement is tough! If the push up is too tough for you, you have a couple of options. The first is to switch it up and go with a Squat Thrust, saving your face-down-on-the-ground time for the burpees at the end. However, if you’re a nutcase like me, you could also pop Burpees in here! 21 for ‘21 and 22 for ‘22? Why not!?

Farmers Carry Modifications

This one is pretty simple! If you’ve got somewhere to carry your stuff, go for it. If you don’t, march in place!

Handstand Hold Modifications

The Handstands / Inversions video should have everything you need here, but if none of those work for you, you can swap in your most challenging Plank Variation.

Burpee Modifications

I mean, I’d say do these up! 22 for 22! But if they truly aren’t your thing, swap in Squat Thrusts instead.

Optional Accessory Work

10-20min of Long Slow Distance Cardio!

Cool Down

Legs Up The Wall for as long as you want. It’s been a hell of a year!

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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