10 Power Cleans
5 Shoulder to Overhead
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
General Warm Up
Cardio of choice for 3-5min, then…
5 Inchworms (no push up)
5 Burpees
25 Jumping Jacks
Specific Warm Up
Most of the specific warm up should be spent working on your barbell complex! Of course, you may be using dumbbells or kettlebells, like me, but no matter the implement, we are looking to get to a weight and variation that allows you to do the 10 Power Cleans RELATIVELY unbroken and definitely the 5 Shoulder to Overhead Unbroken. Take 3-4 sets of the following complex, adding weight each time, until you feel like you’ve got a good weight for the workout today!
Then, take a few sets of Pull Ups or Pull Up Substitutions to make sure you have a variation that you can do for maybe 10 reps in a row.
Workout of the Day
10 Power Cleans
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Workout Notes
Ooooh this looks tasty! A simple triplet, an olympic lift and a gymnastics pull. I love it!
As mentioned in the Specific Warm Up, the goal for the barbell work would be to do the complex (10 Power Cleans + 5 S2O) RELATIVELY unbroken. What does that mean? It means that in the FIRST ROUND, you should either be able to do the whole thing without stopping (but if you do, it should REALLY suck) or you should strategically break the cleans up and do the S20 unbroken. For example, I might do 9 Power Cleans, set the bar down for a couple of breaths, and then do the 10th Power Clean right into the 5 S2O. Now, once the first round goes by, all bets are off! If you do all three rounds unbroken, your weight may have been a little too light. If that’s all you have, then rock and roll as fast as you can!
If possible, I’d also like the pull ups (or whatever you use as a sub) to be difficult enough that you cannot do all of them unbroken. Maybe set yourself at a resistance or angle that allows you to break them in half in round one (8+7) and then after that, it may take more sets. In short, these should be hard!
Power Clean Modifications
The Power Clean can be done with any implement and it essentially entails taking a weight from the floor and popping it up to shoulder level in one smooth motion. If that full range of motion is too much for you, try either just doing the top half or just the bottom half. The top half would be a Hang Power Clean and the bottom half would be a Russian Kettlebell Swing or a standard Deadlift.
Shoulder to Overhead Modifications
There are a million ways to put something safely overhead and the video covers them all. However, if you aren’t feeling a press overhead, you can press laterally, which would be something like a Push Up, Floor Press, or Bench Press. If you aren’t able to press at all, just cut this movement out and do the workout as:
10 Power Cleans (or 15 reps, if this move is a good one for you)
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Chest to Bar Pull Up Modifications
This is a TOUGH movement! If you can do these at all, you may want to consider bringing down the rep count to something you can do in 3-4 sets. If you cannot do these, you can choose any pull up variation in the pull up video or swap in our old favorite: the Bodyweight Row!
Optional Accessory Work
Posterior Chain Work! Choose one or more options that feel right for your bod and your circumstances:
3 -5 Sets of 5-10 Nordic Curls (Beware, these are in tomorrow’s workout!)
3-5 Sets of 10 Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls
3-5 Sets of 5 Hamstring Walkouts
3-5 Glute Bridge Marches for :30-:60
Cool Down
1-2min of PVC T-Spine Stretch
1-2min of Child’s Pose