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Workout 245 - KB Swing and Push Press


20 Russian Kettlebell Swings

20 Push Press

1:00 Rest

General Warm Up

After 3-5min of whatever easy cardio you’d like, perform the full Joint Rotation Warm Up. Then…


Specific Warm Up

Start by hitting the Kettlebell Swing Primer. After that, it will be all about trying to figure which version of the push press you will use, and how much weight to use on it. See the notes section for more on that, but for this workout, I’d say shoot for a weight that allows you to either get all 20 in a row in round one unbroken OR with one break in the middle. If it takes you 2-3 breaks in round one, it’s too heavy!

Workout of the Day


1:00 Rest

Workout Notes

Today’s workout is a simple 5 Round Couplet, to be performed in as little time as possible. However, there is a built in rest minute in the round, which is slightly unusual for us. What that means is that you should do your best to blitz through the work (20 swings + 20 presses) each round, knowing that you will get one minute after each to recover. For that reason, the goal should be to choose a KB Swing weight and variation that is very challenging, but definitely unbroken for all 20 reps for most, if not all rounds. The Push Press, on the other hand, should be slightly heavier. This should be a weight that allows you to MAYBE do the very first set unbroken (or with one break) but after that, your arms should turn into jelly, forcing you to break up the rest of the sets at least once. Maybe 11+9 or 8+7+5?

Kettlebell Swing Modifications

These kettlebell swings are meant to be done to eye level and not overhead, which is a way that I always feel safer going much heavier, which would be nice for this workout. You can always switch this up for a lighter American (overhead) swing, but do so with caution because the second movement (push press) is VERY aggressive overhead for 100 reps. For that reason, I’d say try to stick with the Russian Swing or use a Standard Deadlift. If you are really out of weightlifting options, you could go with a PVC or Bodyweight only Good Mornings or even Glute Bridges!

Push Press Modifications

With this high rep count, it will be tricky to find just the right weight on this. If you are stuck with weights that are just too heavy for the parameters laid out above, go ahead and drop the rep count down to something more manageable. If you have weights that are too light to match the stimulus, mix and match a Strict Press and a Push Press to get the desired result. If it helps, go for 10 Strict Press+10 Push Press, or 5 Strict Press+15 Push Press. Whatever works! If Overhead isn’t happening today, any pressing options will do. This could be Push Ups, Bench Press, or Dips.

Optional Accessory Work

Ab Blaster #2 - Around the World


:30 Crunches

:30 Crunches to the left knee

:30 Hip Lifts

:30 Crunches to the right knee

:30 Flutter Kicks

:30 Rest

Cool Down

1-2min of Forward Folds (on each leg, if necessary)

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