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Workout 246 - Bike, Row, Burpee

14:00 AMRAP

20 Cal Bike

15 Cal Row

10 Burpee Box Jumps

General Warm Up

Start the day by performing the Hinshaw Warm up, even if you don’t plan to run. It’s goooooood for the body! Finish with a 2 minute run, to put it all together. If you aren’t able to run, 2min of any cardio will be good (particularly the bike, if you plan to use one in the workout.)


3 Rounds

5-10 Sit Ups or V-Ups

Specific Warm Up

These double cardio workouts can be tricky! If you plan to use a rower in your workout, hit the Rowing Primer. If you haven’t biked yet today, rock that for about 2min. Start slow and increase your speed every :30 until you are moving at a pretty hot pace.

After that, test your burpee box jumps. If you have the ability to change heights, start with 3 reps low, 3 reps medium, and then 3 reps at the height you plan to use for your workout.

Workout of the Day

14:00 AMRAP

20 Cal Bike

15 Cal Row

Workout Notes/Modifications

As mentioned in the Specific Warm Up, these double cardio (two pure cardio pieces in one workout) workouts can be tough to modify if you don’t have the equipment, but if I were to shy away from writing workouts like this, I’d be leaving stones unturned! So we shall find a way.

The combined cardio for the Bike and the Row should live somewhere in the 2-4min range. That means that if you are at home and do not have a bike or rower, you can use our Cardio Options page and choose some cardio that works for you, as long as it adds up to about 2-4min. If you are in a gym that doesn’t allow for using both the bike and the rower (maybe because of layout) use the same advice! If you can only row, change the row to 30 cals. If you can only bike, change the bike to 30 or 35 cals, or for either of them, just go as hard as you can for 3ish min.

The Burpee Box Jumps can be whichever style fits your location and equipment. If you have no box, go with a burpee and then a Power Jump or a Tuck Jump. Word of warning, Tuck Jumps aren’t for everyone. If you find that you are prone to low back and/or hip flexor issues, the Power Jump is the better option!

Optional Accessory Work

Posterior Chain Work! Choose one or more options that feel right for your bod and your circumstances:

  1. 3 -5 Sets of 5-10 Nordic Curls

  2. 3-5 Sets of 10 Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls

  3. 3-5 Sets of 5 Hamstring Walkouts

  4. 3-5 Glute Bridge Marches for :30-:60

Cool Down

1-2min of Triceps Stretch on Each Arm

1-2min of Child’s Pose

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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