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Workout 249 - Deadlifts and Double Unders


10 Heavy Deadlifts

50 Double Unders

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio, followed by:


Specific Warm Up

This workout, if given it’s best effort, should be obnoxiously fast, but at a heavy weight! That means you need to take some time to work your deadlift up to weight that is simultaneously very challenging for a set of 10 but doable for all ten in a row. See the notes for more details on different ways to approach this workout.

Workout of the Day


10 Heavy Deadlifts

Workout Notes/Modifications

Alright we’ve got a fast one today! Quick and heavy! If you are a Beyond the Whiteboard user, this workout is a Fitness Level Test in the HEAVY category and is meant to be performed at a weight of between 185lbs and 275lbs. Yikes! The goal is also to accomplish said workout in 3-6min. That’s somewhere between 1min and 2min per round. That’s obnoxious!

Not everyone is going to feel comfortable pushing themselves in this way. Heavy deadlifts can be nerve wracking and fast deadlifts can be nerve wracking! If you aren’t on board with this idea, you’ve got two main options for the deadlifts.

Option A: You keep the HEAVY part of the deadlift, making each set extremely challenging for sets of 10, but you slow down the workout and don’t worry about the speed.

Option B: You lighten up the deadlifts and RAISE the rep count to 20 per round and try to blast through this workout pretty quickly.

If you are someone who is doing dumbbell/kettlebell deadlifts, Option B is DEFinitely where you want to land this one. If you have light weights and only do 10 reps, you may walk away from this one feeling like it wasn’t much of a challenge.

For the double unders, again, the choice is yours, but for my money, this workout is not the kind of workout where you want to be tripping a million times and taking a lot of breaks. In order to speed through this, your sets of double unders should take :30-1:00 at the most. For that reason, I’d recommend bringing down the double under rep count to something achievable in :30 to 1:00 OR going with single unders or jumping jacks. Any of those options will get that heart rate up!

Optional Accessory Work

Because today’s workout is so short and heavy, we are going to counter that high intensity with some Long Slow Distance work. This is the perfect day to spend 10-20min keeping your heart rate at a moderately high rate, and holding it there steadily for 10-20min. This can be going for a jog, a power walk, using a cardio machine at your gym, or mixing and matching elements from our Cardio Options Page!

Cool Down

1-2min of Forward Folds (on each leg, if necessary)

1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Leg

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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