200m Run
1:00 Plank (Accumulated)
200m Run
20 Sit Ups
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
:30 of Pose Pulls
10 Mt. Climbers
10 Jump Squats
Specific Warm Up
Whichever Cardio Element you go with today, spend some time working your way from warm-up speed to sprint speed before you start the workout. If you are running, complete the Hinshaw Warm Up before you get going.
Workout of the Day
200m Run*
1:00 Plank (Accumulated)
200m Run*
20 Sit Ups
*Other Cardio Substitutions for a 200m Run:
Accessory Work
Spend 10min Working on your pull up strength! Lots of options to choose from:
If you have 5-10 Strict Pull Ups, Perform 3 - 5 Max Effort Sets, resting 2min between.
If you have 1 - 5 Strict Pull Ups, use the progressive model, detailed below.*
If you have a pull up bar, but do not yet have a strict pull up, use these 10min to work on chin over bar holds or eccentric chin ups.
If you do not have a pull up bar, use the following tempo for body weight rows on the rings OR Dumbbell Rows: 3-5 sets of 5-10 reps - for each rep, hold at the top for :03 and then take a full :03 to lower to starting position. Squeeze as hard as you can!
*Progressive Model: If you can one pull up, your first session would be 1 - 1 - 1. You’d continue doing that until you can do a set of 2. Then your sessions would be 2-1-1. As you get stronger, the progression would go to 2-2-1, 2-2-2, 3-2-2, 3-3-2, 3-3-3, and so on until you reach 5-5-5. Ideally this model would fit 3x into your weekly workouts.
Cool Down
Hold the following stretches for 1-2 min: