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Workout 253 - Push Ups

Death By: Push Ups

General Warm Up

Hit that Hinshaw Warm Up, followed by an easy 2-4 min jog, if possible.



6 Air Squats with a pause at the bottom

Specific Warm Up

Today is all about the push up. Play around with the options in the push up video and make sure you’ve got a variation that allows you to do a LOT of reps!

Workout of the Day

Death By: Push Ups

Workout Notes

I know, I know, it’s so dramatic to call it “Death By Push Ups” when I most certainly do not want you to die in ANY way. In fact, I want you to be more alive than EVER! However, that is the agreed upon name for this type of ladder workout and so we will use it.

If you’re never done a Death By ladder, here’s how it works. You set a timer to beep every minute. When you start the timer, at GO, you will do 1 push up. That’s it. You’ll then rest for the next 58 second. When the timer beeps to start the second minute, you’ll do 2 push ups and rest for the remaining 56 seconds. When the timer beeps to start the third minute, you’ll do 3 push ups. The fourth minute is 4 push ups. Etc. Entiende?

The idea with the Death By ladder is that you will get to a point (rather quickly with push ups in particular) where you will be so “dead” that you won’t be able to complete the required number of reps in the associated minute. This results in a serious pump and a great upper body workout! This workout has been my go-to workout before shirtless photo shoots for years!

The hard part about a death by workout is finding a variation on the movement, in this case a push up, that allows you to make it far enough into the workout that you GET a good workout. If you only make it to minute 4, this won’t be great training, right? So please humble yourself and choose a variation that allows you to make it past the 10th minute at least! Got a kitchen counter? You can do push ups leaning against it. Kitchen table? Sure! Park bench? Awesome! Get creative!

Optional Accessory Work

Because today’s workout is relatively short and entirely upper body, let’s finish up with our 10-20min of Long Slow Distance work. Use any cardio from our Cardio Options page to keep your heart rate steadily in a moderate place for 10-20min!

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side

1-2min of Triceps Stretch on Each Side

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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