Inspired by Ian…
3min AMRAP of:
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps
*Rest 1:00*
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
10 Squats
10 Lunges
10 Sit Ups
25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Single Unders
Specific Warm Up
Go through some burpee prep! Work your way from 3 slow burpees to 3 super fast burpees.
If you have a box for box jumps, work your way from the lowest option to the height you plan to use for the workout.
If you don’t have a box or a step available, practice your power jumps!
Workout of the Day
Inspired by Ian…
3min AMRAP of:
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps*
*Rest 1:00*
*Options if you do not have a box for box jumps…
10 Power Jumps
10 Step Ups Per leg (using a box, step stool, stairs at home, etc.)
10 Jump Squats (ew)
10 Goblet Squats (if jumping is no bueno for you)
Accessory Work
Posterior Chain Options:
Glute Ham Raises or Nordic Curls: 3-5 sets of 5
Hamstring Walk-Outs: 3-5 sets of 3
Arch Hold: 4 x :30
Cool Down
Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each: