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Workout 263 - Wall Ball, Pull Up, Hamstring

15:00 AMRAP

20 Wall Balls

10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

5 Hamstring Walkouts

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, followed by…


25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Double Unders

Specific Warm Up

Today’s workout has 3 movements in it, each of which will need a little TLC before starting the clock.

For the Wall Balls (or your Wall Ball Substitution) do one set of 5 Squats with the ball in Goblet position. Then do one set of 5 Wall Balls where you squat, stand, throw the ball to the target, and then let it fall (a wall ball single.) After that, chain 5 reps together and see how it feels. Make the judgment call on whether or not you can do 20 in a row with that ball. If you can, you’re good!

If you are doing Chest to Bar Pull Ups, first do 5 Strict Pull Ups. Then 5 Kipping Chin Over Bar Pull Ups. Then 5 Chest to Bar pull ups. Make the judgment call on whether or not you can do 10 in a row in the first couple of rounds. If you can, you’re good!

Do 2-3 Hamstring Walkouts to make sure they are doable for you today.

Workout of the Day

15:00 AMRAP

10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Workout Notes

This workout is an AMRAP of two gymnastic movements and one weightlifting movement. If you’ve never done an AMRAP before, it stands for As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible. That means that you’ll need to set a 15 minutes timer and within that 15 minutes, perform as many rounds of the workout as you can.

Wall Ball Modifications

If you don’t have a Wall Ball situation available to you, the standard substitution would be one Thruster with an empty barbell (35-45lbs) for each wall ball. Do NOT take this substitution with more than 50lbs! If the only equipment you can use weighs more than 50lbs, take the reps down to account for the higher weight. If you aren’t down to press overhead today, go for a Dumbbell Squat variation, Jump Squats, or Air Squats.

Chest to Bar Pull Up Modifications

These are one of the very hardest movements in the whole cannon! If you don’t have chest to bars, go with a standard kipping pull up, a strict pull up, or if it’s not super inconvenient, an assisted pull up. All options are found in the pull up video! If you can’t pull off any of those ideas, go with our trusty Bodyweight Rows or Bent Over Rows.

Hamstring Walkout Modifications

If you can’t do this movement, perform any of the following hamstring-centric options: Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, Single Leg or Double Leg Glute Bridges, Nordic Curls, or Good Mornings.

Optional Accessory Work

Perform 25-75 Hand Release Push Ups in as few sets as possible.

Cool Down

1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 Stretch on Each Leg

1-2min of Forward Folds (on Each Leg if necessary)

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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