25 Kettlebell Swings
25 Cal Bike
General Warm Up
3-5 min of Cardio Choice, followed by…
5 Air Squats with a pause at the bottom
3 Inchworms with a Push Up
10 Bodyweight Rows (Or Pull Ups, depending on what you did yesterday)
:30 of Bicycle Crunches
Specific Warm Up
First, perform the Kettlebell Swing Primer. Then, do :30 on the Bike at a moderate pace and then rest. Then, :30 at a pretty hot pace. Rest. Then finish with :10 seconds or so at a +90% effort. Rest. Ready!
Workout of the Day
25 Cal Bike
Workout Notes
This workout is very straightforward! Do 25 Kettlebell Swings (American or Russian.) Do 25 Cals on an Airbike (gross.) Repeat, repeat, and repeat! See modifications below!
Kettlebell Swing Modifications
The kettlebell swing can be either Russian or American (eye level or overhead.) If the kettlebell swing is too ballistic for you or you just aren’t feeling it, you can go with a standard Deadlift. If you are feeling like you WANT something that’s going to be ballistic and get you out of breath in the same way that a long set of kettlebell swings will, go for Box Jumps or Power Jumps!
Air Bike Modifications
This bike should be in the ~2:00 territory, at least in the first round. If you don’t have an Air Bike, use our Cardio Options page to find an equivalent on the chart (use the row that corresponds with the 30/24 cal bike) or to create your own ~2:00 Cardio experience!
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 3-4 minutes in your most challenging plank!
Cool Down
1-2min of Child’s Pose
1-2min of Happy Baby