10 Push Press
5 Weighted Strict Pull Ups
5 Devil’s Press
General Warm Up
3-5 min of Cardio of choice to get nice and warm, followed by…
5 Inchworms (With a Push Up)
10 Sit Ups
5 Burpees
:30 of Pose Running Drills
Specific Warm Up
Interesting piece today! We’ve got 3 movements to warm up. Let’s start with the Push Press. Using ~3 sets of 5 reps, work your way from a light weight to a challenging one. Make sure that you can do ALL of your sets of 10 unbroken in this workout. That may mean you have to keep it lighter than you want to.
For the Pull Ups, most people won’t need to add weight, but if you need to, go ahead and work up to a challenging weight for the day. Again, make sure these are going to be unbroken in the workout!
The Devil’s Press is devilish! Take some time to go through the demo video and check out your options, practice a quick set of 3, and then let’s get after it!
Workout of the Day
10 Push Press
5 Weighted Strict Pull Ups
Workout Notes
We’ve got a very odd little weightlifting piece today! It looks messy and fun! As mentioned in the Specific Warm Up, we want all of these movements to be unbroken. This should be much more of our “Strength Day at a High Heart Rate” type of workout, rather than a super fast conditioning drill. If you think about it, by the end of the workout, we will have done 5 x 10 Push Press and 5 x 5 Weighted Pull Ups. The Devil’s Press is just there to keep the heart rate up!
Push Press Modifications
The push press can be done in many different ways, but the goal is the same, use your legs and then PUSH. For that reason, we can rock any of our pressing movements today and get the job done. Just beware that if you press horizontally (push ups/bench press) it’s definitely going to make the Devil’s Press much harder! On the menu here: Strict Press, Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, or Floor Press.
Pull Up Modifications
Today we want to focus on strict pulling. Whether you are adding weight to a Strict Pull Up or using the Assisted Pull Up Machine at the gym, we are just looking for 5 hard pulling reps. That means we can easily swap in our Bodyweight Rows or Bent Over Rows to achieve the same goal!
Devil’s Press Modifications
This movement has a ton of modifications in the video, but they all involve moving some weight. If you feel like you should not be moving weight around on this one, go with a Burpee or a Squat Thrust!
Optional Accessory Work
With no weight, a PVC pipe, or very light weight (empty bar,) let’s get in 3 sets of 10 Kang Squats. Pause in each position and really drill in the muscle memory!
Cool Down
1-2min in PVC T-Spine Stretch
1-2min in Pigeon Pose on Each Side