10 Kipping Pull Ups
5 Hamstring Walkouts
10 V-Ups
General Warm Up
3-5min of eeeeasy cardio, then complete the joint rotation warm up. Then...
5 World’s Greatest Stretch Each Leg
6 Spiderman Lunges (take your time)
10 Sit Ups
1:00 of Running in place or Pose Running Drills
Specific Warm Up
3 Movements on the docket today. The first is most definitely the most difficult and will take some playing with. Check out the Pull Up Video and decide on which variation or variations would work best for you today. Remember there are a total of 60 reps written, so you need some confidence in your choice!
After that, try out a couple of hamstring walkouts. If they are no bueno for you today, check the modifications section for other hamstring centric exercises.
Lastly, try out some V-Up variations and decide on which works best for you and then we are ready to rock and roll all night, or PART of every day. I usually have errands. I can rock from like 1 to 3.
Workout of the Day
10 Kipping Pull Ups
10 V-Ups
Workout Notes
This looks like an interesting one! I’m really hoping I can partake! At the time of this writing, my elbow issue is still holding me back from most of the fun stuff : (
This workout is simply 6 Rounds - For Time. That means that the goal is to perform 6 rounds of the work in as little time as possible, resting when you need to. It should be huffy and/or puffy. One thing that I really like doing is throwing static/isometric movements into conditioning workouts. That means that in the midst of moves that require explosive and dynamic motion (Pull Ups and V-Ups) we have a movement that is mainly holding lots of tension (T.U.T.) and NOT moving very much. There is something very effective (and uncomfortable) about being out of breath but holding still, like a plank or glute bridge. So embrace that!
Pull Up Modifications
Any version of pulling that is in the Pull Up Video is great! This would be a particularly good day for Jumping Pull Ups or Jumping Chest to Bar Pull Ups if you can swing it (GET IT?) but if not, Bodyweight Rows would be perfect. Get jack3d!
Hamstring Walkout Modifications
This move should be TOUGH! If it isn’t, you aren’t doing it right. Take your time and keep your hips high! If it’s a no go for you, try any Glute Bridge variation, Nordic Curls, Swiss Ball Ham Curls, or a Hamstring Curl Machine at your gym. If you switch to any of those movements, feel free to bump the rep count up as high as 10 reps.
V-Up Modifications
Any crunch or ab centric motion works! Sit Ups, Toes to Bar, Hanging Knee Raises, old school crunches, or planks!
Optional Accessory Work
With strength work yesterday and some speedy conditioning today, it would be nice to throw down some long, slow cardio as an extra piece if you have time. Spend 20+ minutes with your heart rate up in a moderate, steady place. Chicago should be beautiful this week! Bonus if you can get some fresh air and sun!
Cool Down
1-2min of Child’s Pose
1-2min of Forearm Stretches