1:00 Thrusters
1:00 Bent Over Rows
2:00 Rest
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio, then…
20 Jumping Jacks
Specific Warm Up
Today's workout has 2 movements. Each movement is going to be done for 1:00. We need to work up to a challenging weight for the day, but we need to first understand that neither move should be light enough to do for the whole minute without stopping. I would recommend working up to a weight on each movement that allows you to do 10-20 reps in a row in the first round. By the end, you will be breaking these sets up all over the place!
Workout of the Day
1:00 Thrusters
1:00 Bent Over Rows
2:00 Rest
Workout Notes
As noted in the specific warm up, today’s workout gives each minute a one minute window in which to get in as many reps as possible. However, we shouldn’t expect to (or try to) do these movements for the whole minute without stopping. We want to choose weights and variations that allow us to do 10-20 reps in a row. That means for the thrusters, you may do 10 in a row (~:20) take a ~:15 breather, then jump back to it for 5 more reps before it’s time to switch movements. By then end, it may take you several sets just to make it to 10 reps! For the Bent Over Rows, it’s written to be the exact same idea with a two-handed row. However, if you are doing single arm rows, you should do :30 on one arm and then :30 on the other arm.
Thruster Modifications
The Thruster is a Squat and Push Press chained together. If chaining the moves together is difficult, slow it down and do exactly that: a Squat, then a Push Press. If the overhead part is bugging you, just do the Front Squat or Dumbbell Squat Variations. If the squat part is bugging you, just do the Push Press part!
Bent Over Row Modifications
The Bent Over Row is a horizontal pulling movement and that means it can be replaced easily with other horizontal pulling like Bodyweight Rows or using a cable station at your gym. However, if it works out better for you to do something vertical like a Pull Up Variation or a lat pull down on the cable station at your gym, that’s great too! We just want to stick to pulling to oppose the pressing in the Thrusters.
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 10 - 20 Wall Walks in as few sets as possible OR Inchworm Push Ups. High level bonus option: 10min of practicing your Handstand Walks!
Cool Down
1-2min in the Bottom of the Squat
1-2min of Samson Stretch on each side