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Workout 289 - RDL's, Snatches, and Cardio


8 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts - R Leg

8 Alternating Single Arm Power Snatches

8 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts - L Leg

8 Alternating Single Arm Power Snatches

3:00 Run or Bike

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio, then…


5 Slow Air Squats

5 Inchworms (no push up)

5 PVC or Kettlebell Deadlifts

Specific Warm Up

Begin by testing out the Single Leg RDL’s on each leg. This is a very tricky movement for most people and so you’ll need to try different options in the video until you find one that works best for you! After that, work do 3 sets of 4 Dumbbell Power Snatches, moving from very light weights to the weight you think you want to use for the workout. After that, hit your Hinshaw Warm Up and then let’s get after it!

10-20 steps/yards of each movement:

  • Over the Hurdle Sideways

  • Over the Hurdle Forwards

  • Knee to Chest

  • Figure 4

  • Lunge and Reach

  • Lunge and Twist

  • Tin Soldier

  • High Knees

  • Butt Kickers

  • Straight Leg Bounce

  • Side Shuffles (with and without arms)

Workout of the Day


8 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts - L Leg

8 Alternating Single Arm Power Snatches

3:00 Run or Bike

Workout Notes

This workout definitely leans hard in the direction of strength, but the cardio at the end of each round is there to make sure the heart rate stays high. In writing this, I was hoping that we could just use one single dumbbell for the whole workout, but that’s not essential. However, if you can continuously move through the first 4 movements without putting the dumbbell down, it will definitely amp up the intensity of the piece overall!

Single Leg RDL Modifications

This movement is very tough because, even at modified levels, it requires extra balance, agility, coordination, and accuracy. There are many options in the video, but if all of them are beyond you, opt for a standard Romanian Deadlift on two legs or some slow and careful Good Mornings.

Single Arm Power Snatches

Another tough movement when it comes to extra coordination and accuracy! If the alternating snatches are too hard to coordinate, do 4 on one side and then 4 on the other. If getting the weight from the floor to overhead in one motion is too difficult because of flexibility or strength, go for a Hang Power Snatch instead. If going to the floor is no problem but going overhead is an issue, go with a Power Clean instead of Power Snatch. If none of those feel good to you, we can go with a Russian or American Kettlebell Swing variation and get the job done that way too!

Optional Accessory Work

10min to practice your L-Sits or Hollow Holds!

Cool Down

1-2min of Forward Folds

1-2min of Calf Stretches on each leg

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