1:00 Hollow Hold
20 Wall Balls
1:00 Arch Hold
20 Wall Balls
General Warm Up
3-5min of Easy Cardio of Choice, followed by…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
10 Kang Squats
30 Double Unders or 30 Jumping Jacks
Specific Warm Up
First, go through the videos for Hollow Holds and Arch Holds to make sure you have a variation of each that will work for you today. After that, do 3 sets of 5-10 Balls to make sure you’ve chosen a weight and/or modification that allows you to do 20 in a row! At least in the first round…
Workout of the Day
1:00 Hollow Hold
20 Wall Balls
1:00 Arch Hold
20 Wall Balls
Workout Notes
Just like last week, we’ve got a workout here that combines high energy ballistic movement (wall balls) with a completely static movement (Hollow and Arch Holds.) These workouts are so hard! Just a few notes on this one. First, the hollow and arch holds are to be ACCUMULATED for 1:00 each, per round. That means that even if it takes you 4 x :15, you have to make it to 1:00 before you move on. That’s a LOT of time for many folks so I would recommend scaling that number back a bit, especially if you are new to this stuff. Maybe change it to :30 each! Secondly, Keep the Wall Balls light enough (and/or the target low enough) that in the first two sets (Round 1) you can do all 20 in a row without stopping. After that, all bets are off.
Hollow Hold Modifications
The hollow hold is just meant to be crunching your midsection to create a brutally uncomfortable hold. That means you create the same thing in many other ways. You can do a hanging knee raise hold, hold your favorite crunch position, or choose any Plank Variation that you like. As long as the abs are tight and the hips are tucked under, it will do the trick.
Arch Hold Modifications
This is meant to be exactly the opposite of the Hollow Hold. Now we want to flex all of your back muscles in order to arch your body. There aren’t as many options here for modification, but if you get crafty, you can lessen the load in a number of ways like lifting only your legs, only your upper body, or lifting only the opposing arm and leg. Just whatever you do, don’t crank your neck!
Wall Ball Modifications
Note: if you did Day 1 two days ago, you may be QUITE sore for these today! A Thruster is essentially a Wall Ball. If you did not do Day 1, these wall balls can be made into Thrusters. Remember that the weight needs to be light enough to do all 20 in a row with a FULL squat! If you are so sore from Day 1’s Thrusters that you cannot even fathom squatting today, change this movement entirely and go for Box Jumps or Power Jumps! If you are a beginner, don’t even use weight and just do Air Squats and consider dropping the reps to 10 per set!
Optional Accessory Work
Pick your place in the Pull Up Strength Program and get after it!
Cool Down
1-2min of Child’s Pose
1-2min of Couch Stretch on each side