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Workout 292 - Run, Double Under, C&J


200m Run

50 Double Unders

5 Power Clean and Jerks

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…


8 Spiderman Lunges (4 per leg)

5 Squats with :04 descent

Specific Warm Up

Start by doing 3-4 rounds

20 Double Unders (or Single Unders)

3 Power Clean and Jerks

Start light and add weight to the C&J each round until you feel like you’re at a good working weight for the day.

Then finish with our beloved Hinshaw Warm Up to get those hips warm and primed!

10-20 steps/yards of each movement:

  • Over the Hurdle Sideways

  • Over the Hurdle Forwards

  • Knee to Chest

  • Figure 4

  • Lunge and Reach

  • Lunge and Twist

  • Tin Soldier

  • High Knees

  • Butt Kickers

  • Straight Leg Bounce

  • Side Shuffles (with and without arms)

Workout of the Day


200m Run

50 Double Unders

5 Power Clean and Jerks

Workout Notes

Ahhhh I love a classic triplet! 3 movements, 5 rounds. Sweaty sweaty! See below for movement modifications, but this one is pretty straightforward. Run, jump, put weight overhead. Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Then EAT!

Run Modifications

This run should be ~1:00. Some fast folks may go even faster! You can run for 1:00, run in place for 1:00, do Pose Pulls for 1:00, or choose another form or cardio from our Cardio Resources Page to do for 1:00.

Double Under Modifications

These Double Unders should be about :30. If you are working on Doubles and can do SOME, but not reliably, try doing as many as you can in 1:00, but move on if you hit 50. If you are doing singles, try 50 or 75 reps, depending on how fast your singles are. Same goes for Penguin Taps! If you aren’t into it, choose a movement from our Cardio Resources Page to do for :30 - :60 that will get you out of breath!

Power Clean and Jerk Modifications

This video has lots of ways to do this movement! However, if you are unable to bring your weights all the way to the ground, you can go with a Hang Power Clean and Jerk. If you are able to go to the ground, but not overhead, go with a standard Power Clean. If you can neither bring them to the ground OR overhead, go with a Hang Power Clean or a Russian Kettlebell Swing!

Optional Accessory Work

20+ min Power Walk! Go outside! Breathe fresh air! Be nice to your body!

Cool Down

1-2min of Calf Stretches on each leg

All the Legs Up The Wall you want!

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