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Workout 294 - S2O and Bike


10 Strict Press

20 Cal Bike

15 Push Press

30 Cal Bike

20 Jerks

30 Cal Bike

15 Push Press

20 Cal Bike

10 Strict Press

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, followed by:


5 Inchworms (with Push Up)

25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Single Unders

Specific Warm Up

The goal of the specific warm up here should be to get to a Strict Press that is very challenging for 10 reps. This should be doable in the opening set of the workout, but probably not for the last set! Take 2-3 sets of 5 reps to get there. If you’re anything like me, it won’t take too much to get to a challenging weight on strict press!

Workout of the Day


20 Cal Bike

15 Push Press

30 Cal Bike

20 Jerks

30 Cal Bike

15 Push Press

20 Cal Bike

10 Strict Press

Workout Notes

Ah yes, the ol’ up and down chipper! I like to think about these as climbing the mountain (up to the set of 20 Jerks) and then coming back down the mountain. The goal of the workout is to pick a challenging weight for the strict press and keep that weight all the way through the workout. By the time you get to the end of this one, it’s very likely you should have to break up the final set of 10!

Pressing Modifications

For all of the presses (Strict, Push, and Jerk) you can swap in whichever version works best for you. Maybe that means you use strict press for every set. Maybe you do Strict Press + Push Press + Push Press (in place of Jerks) + Push Press + Strict Press. Or you can use any of our usual Pressing Options wherever you want to put them! Here’s the list: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Floor Press, or even Handstand Push Ups if you’re feelin’ gymnasty!

Bike Cals Modifications

The Bike Cals, as written, should be something like… 20 Cals = 1:00, 30 Cals = 1:30. Feel free to just bike as hard as you can for those increments or use our Cardio Resources Page to find suggestions for other cardio movements that have equivalents!

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 3:00 in your toughest Plank Variation (Front, Around the World, Plank Up Down, or Single Arm).

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side

1-2min ofTriceps Stretch on Each Side

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