Death By: Pull Ups
Tabata: Air Squats
Rest 1:00
Tabata: Mt. Climbers*
*Try to stay in the plank the whole time! Ew!
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
6 Spiderman Lunges (3 per leg)
10 V-Ups
:15 Arch Hold
:15 Plank Hold
Specific Warm Up
Simple warm up today! The goal is to get those pull ups (or pull up substitutions) ready! Take 3 sets of 3-5 reps to make sure they are feeling primed and then let the fun begin!
Workout of the Day
Death By: Pull Ups
Tabata: Air Squats
- Rest 1:00 -
Tabata: Mountain Climbers*
*Try to stay in the plank the whole time! Ew!
Workout Notes/Modifications
Lots of clock work today! First, if you’ve never seen the “Death By” format, it is pretty simple and should not involve death. Seriously. Please don’t do that.
For the Pull Ups, use either kipping pull ups (preferred) strict pull ups, or Bodyweight Rows. Start a stopwatch or, even better, a workout timer that beeps every minute. On the first minute, do one rep and then just wait for the remainder of the minute to go by. When your hear the beep for minute 2, do 2 reps. When you hear the beep for minute 3, do 3 reps. So on and so forth until you are unable to complete the required reps in the assigned minute. If you are using bodyweight rows, try to set your body at an angle where you could do 10-15 reps in a row, but no more. If you do that, this will get REALLY spicy around the 7-8min mark and then just hold on tight!
If you feel like your pulling exercises (pull ups/rows) need too much work to attempt a workout like this, swap out the “death by” for the Pull Up Strength Program!
For the second part, we are looking for a quick interval burn and to get that heart rate up. If you’ve never heard of a Tabata, it means simply:
8 ROUNDS (4:00)
:20 of working as hard as you can
:10 of rest
You can find free Tabata interval timer apps for your phone very easily or, as some of our PPF folk love, you can search TABATA SONGS and come up with some hilarious (but helpful) tracks.
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 10-20 Sloooooow Down Dog to Cobras
Cool Down
1-2min of the PVC T-Spine Stretch
1-2min ofChild’s Pose