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Workout 298 - EMOM: Bench, Row, Sit Up


Min A: Max Reps Bench Press

Min B: Max Reps Bent Over Row

Min C. Max Reps Sit Ups

Min D: Rest

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio, followed by…


25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Double Unders

10 Lunges

10 V-Ups

Specific Warm Up

For the first two movements, the goal is to find weight and variation that allows you to do 10-20 reps in each 1:00 window. More on this in the notes section below. Test your variations with sets of 3-5 reps at a time until you feel like you’ve found that weight.

For the Sit-Ups, we are looking for any variation that is pain free and focuses on the core. Try out a few different options and decide which is most productive for you!

Workout of the Day


Min A: Max Reps Bench Press

Min B: Max Reps Bent Over Row

Min C. Max Reps Sit Ups

Min D: Rest

Workout Notes

This workout is an Alternating Every Minute on the Minute piece. If you’ve never seen this, it means that we are going to need a timer, preferably one that beeps every minute. Each time we enter a new minute, we switch movements, alternating every minute until the end of the workout.

The first minute is “Max Reps Bench Press.” This is a little misleading as I actually don’t want you to be doing Bench Press for an entire minute without stopping. What I’m looking for is for you to set your weight somewhere that allows you to do 10-20 reps at the most when you are fresh. Then, each round, try to do as many reps as you can (max reps) with that weight. Obviously, as you get more and more fatigued, you will get fewer and fewer reps within the minute. Also, be sure to factor in stopping around the 45 second mark so that you can safely set down your weights and transition to the next movement. Apply all of the above to the Bent Over Rows as well! If you are doing a single arm version of a Bent Over Row, do about 25 seconds per arm.

The Sit Ups are more straightforward. Do as many as you can in that minute. You can go bell to bell because the next minute is rest!

Bench Press Modifications

As per usual, you can use any press you’d like! Options are: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Floor Press, or Strict Press.

Bent Over Row Modifications

The Bent Over Row video covers many, many versions that all work for this workout. Feel free to also swap in Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups if you’re feeling picante!

Sit Up Modifications

Sit Ups or V-Ups are our standard, but they aren’t for everyone! Don’t do tons of sit ups if they bother your back and/or hips. If you are looking for something non-crunchy, hold a Front Plank for 30 to 60 seconds.

Optional Accessory Work

Ab Blaster #1


:30 REST

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side

1-2min of Triceps Stretch on Each Side

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