10 Hang Clean and Jerks
10 Squat Thrust Over Target
20 Cal Row
General Warm Up
Start with the Joint Rotation Warm Up, then get in your 3-5min of easy cardio to get warm. Then…
5 Inchworms with a Push Up
:30 of a Glute Bridge March
Specific Warm Up
Start with the Rowing Primer, followed by a 250m row. After that, perform the following, adding weight to the bar and picking up the intensity with each round:
4 Hang Squat Cleans
4 Squat Thrusts Over Target
Rest ~:30
Workout of the Day
10 Hang Clean & Jerks
10 Squat Thrusts Over Target
20 Cal Row
Workout Notes
Today we have a classic triplet of one weightlifting movement, one gymnastics movement, and one cardio movement. These are the best! The goal is to complete 4 Rounds of the work in as little time as possible. The Hang Clean and Jerks should be unbroken in Round 1, which means they will have to be on the lighter side. That’s ok! It’s all about the speed!
Hang Clean and Jerk Modifications
The Hang Clean and Jerk is a two part movement. Part 1, move the weight from thigh level to shoulder level. Part 2, move the weight from shoulder level to overhead. Part 1 is bugging you or you are unable to coordinate this odd movement, go with a Kettlebell Swing instead. If Part 2 (going overhead) is not in the cards for you today, just stick with Part 1, a Hang Power Clean.
Squat Thrust Over Target Modifications
This movement is essentially going down to the push up position, getting back up, and then jumping over a target. Your barbell/dumbbell/kettlebell is meant to be the target, but you can jump over something smaller instead, or the easiest modification here is to scrap the jump part and just do squat thrusts!
Rowing Modifications
This 20 cal row should be somewhere in the ballpark of ~1:00 of cardio. If you feel like you can’t row 20 cals in under 2:00, I’d recommend just rowing as hard as you can for 1:00 per round. This calorie number should equate to something like a 250m row, 500m Concept 2 Bike, 200m Run, or 15-20 cal Air Bike. For more options, check out our Cardio Resources Page!
Optional Accessory Work
Tabata: Hollow Hold
For this, set a Tabata Timer (:20 of work, :10 or rest, for 8 Rounds) on your phone or computer. For every :20 “work” interval, try to hold as much of a hollow hold variation as possible. This is going to fatigue SUPER quickly, so be prepared to be barely getting anything in for those last couple of rounds!
Cool Down
1-2min of Gentle Forearm Stretches
1-2min of Forward Folds On Each Leg, If Necessary