12:00 AMRAP
3 Turkish Get Ups - Right Arm
3 Turkish Get Ups - Left Arm
20 Box Jumps
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
5-10 Shoot Throughs (or Hollow Rocks)
10 Kettlebell or Empty Bar Deadlifts
10 Squats
:30 of Mountain Climbers or Bicycle Crunches
Specific Warm Up
The main goal of today’s specific warm up is to get familiar with the Turkish Get-Up. It’s one of the best moves around, but we don’t do it all that much! Check out the video and then practice by doing the following, gradually ramping up the weight (if any) and the height of the box (if any) as you progress through the rounds:
3 Rounds
1 Turkish Get Up - Right
1 Turkish Get Up - Left
Workout of the Day
12:00 AMRAP
3 Turkish Get-Ups - Right Arm
3 Turkish Get Ups - Left Arm
20 Box Jumps
Workout Notes
This type of workout is known as an AMRAP, which stands for As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible. This means that we will set a timer (in this case, 12:00) and for the duration of that timer, we will continue cycling through the work as many times as we can. The workout ends when the timer ends.
The Turkish Get-Ups are meant to be a slow and steady movement. They require a ton of balance and coordination as well as stability in the shoulder, so don’t try to haul on these. Move in a careful and calculated way and embrace the Time Under Tension. T.U.T.!
Turkish Get-Up Modifications
The Turkish Get Up is a brilliant move for our bodies, but some folks may lack the capacity to do the whole thing with weight or at all! That’s ok. The best way to work up to it is to work on partial Get Ups. This means that if you are only able to do the first part (roll from your back up to the elbow and then to the hand) and come back down, that’s great! Maybe you can go from the beginning to “Breakdance” and then reverse back down. Maybe you can get all the way to the knee, but can’t finish the lunge. That’s ok too! Get as far as you can on the way up and then SAFELY reverse back to supine.
Box Jump Modifications
The box jump video covers everything you need, including not having a box! If you can jump and land safely, you can also use Power Jumps. If you can’t jump and land safely, use Air Squats or Glute Bridges!
Optional Accessory Work
Ab Blaster #2 - Around the World
:30 Crunches
:30 Crunches to the left knee
:30 Hip Lifts
:30 Crunches to the right knee
:30 Flutter Kicks
:30 Rest
Cool Down
1-2min of PVC T-Spine Stretch
1-2min of Slow, Steady World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg