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Workout 315 - Row, Push Press, Double Under


Row 500m

10 Push Press

50 Double Unders

2:00 Rest

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio, followed by…


5 Bent Over Rows (Per Arm)

10 V-Ups

Specific Warm Up

Begin with the Rowing Primer. After that, use a few sets of 3-5 reps of Push Press to work your way from an empty bar to a weight that is pretty challenging for 10 reps in a row. Lastly, get your jump rope heated up and ready for whichever jump rope movement is right for your level!

Workout of the Day


Row 500m

2:00 Rest

Workout Notes

Today’s workout is 4 Rounds, to be done as fast as possible. However, there’s a good, long rest built into each round, so the goal is really to sprint through the work in order to get to that rest! The Row should be 2min or less, the Push Presses should be 10 in a row without stopping (at least in the first couple of rounds) and then you just gotta push through the jump rope!

Rowing Modifications

The Row should be ~2:00 or less in Round 1. If you don’t think you can accomplish that with the 500m distance, then lessen the distance so you can sprint a little harder! Use our Cardio Resources Page to find equivalents and other cardio suggestions!

Push Press Modifications

The Push Press is a vertical press that uses your legs for the bulk of the power. If you are having trouble coordinating it or you have a lower body issue that doesn’t allow you to dip and drive, just a strict press instead. Other than that, you can choose any pressing movement you’d like: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, or Floor Press

Double Under Modifications

These should take :30 to 1:00. If you have some double unders, but not consistently 50, do as many as you can in :30 or 1:00. If you are doing Single Unders or some kind of Penguin Taps, keep the number 50! If you decide to use jumping jacks, only do 25 reps.

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 5 - 15 Wall Walks

Cool Down

1-2min in Saddle Pose

1-2min of Calf Stretches

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